-ENGLISH:*Guerrillas, the Thrash-Hardcore band from Cluj Napoca was founded in 2002.
After a few concerts, they launch their first demo-album in 2004, called "First Strike".More concerts follow throughout the country, participating at the most prestigious metal festivals in Romania:Peninsula, Monsters Of Transylvania, Rock La Mures, Fanfest etc.
Nonetheless, they also have the opportunity to be the opening act for important bands such as Born From Pain, Ektomorf, Blind Myself, Moby Dick and, their biggest achievement for 2007 - they get to be the opening band for the Sepultura concert in Bucharest.
On the 11th of April 2008 their first release will be out, followed by their first big tour.
-ROMANA:*Trupa clujeana Guerrillas de Thrash-Hardcore, s-a infiintat in 2002.
Dupa cateva concerte, in 2004 lanseaza primul demo "First Strike".
Urmeaza mai multe concerte in intreaga tara, participarea la cele mai importante festivaluri din Romania:
Peninsula, Monsters Of Transylvania, Rock La Mures, Fanfest etc.
Au ocazia sa deschida mai multe concerte pentru trupe cum ar fi:
Born From Pain, Ektomorf, Blind Myself, Moby Dick, si cea mai mare realizare pentru 2007,
canta in deschiderea concertului Sepultura din Bucuresti.
In primavara lui 2008 urmeaza sa lanseze primul album intitulat "Guerrilla Spirit".
las, a kolozsvari Thrash-Hardcore zenekar 2002-ben alakult. Par koncert utan, a zenekar kiadja elso Demojat, First Strike neven. Ez utan szamos koncert kovetkezik, az egesz orszagban [Romaniaban], valamint az orszag nevezetesebb fesztivaljainak szinapdjait koptatjak. Ilyen fesztivalok mint peldaul: Fel-Sziget, Monsters Of Transylvania, Rock La Mures, Szenafeszt ...
Esely adatik arra, hogy bulikat nyissanak olyan zenekaroknak mint: Born From Pain, Ektomorf, Blind Myslef, vagy a Moby Dick.
A 2007-es ev legnagyobb teljesitmenye szamukra, hogy a bukaresti Sepultura bulit nyitottak meg.
A 2008-as ev elso feleben, pedig az elso lemezukkel jelentkeznek, ami a Guerrilla Spirit neven jon ki, tavasszal. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
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