Vá,,enà prátelé, práve jste se ocitli na neoficiálnÃch stránkách výjimecné akce, která probehne u,, za nekolik týdnu, konkrétne v nedeli 5. srpna 2007 v 11 hodin v tereziánském opevnenà v Olomouci-Krelove (asi 2 km od Olomouce)
Oc se jedná? Jan Saudek osobne vytvorà fotografický skupinový akt. A ted to hlavnÃ! Na fotografii mu,,ete být i Vy! Stacà splnit jediný po,,adavek: po,,ádat o predbe,,nou registraci na e-mailovou adresu [email protected]. Obratem Vám odpovÃme a dále Vás budeme informovat o aktualitách jak soukrome na Vá,, e-mail, tak na techto stránkách, které budeme postupne doplnovat novými informacemi, fotografiemi, rozhovory, videozprávami. StacÃ, abyste si nás pridali na svou stránku a budete od nás dostávat v pravidelných intervalech nejcerstvej,,à informace. Na techto stránkách budete v prÃmém kontaktu s organizátory akce, mu,,ete se jich prube,,ne ptát na dal,,à podrobnosti týkajÃcà se zamý,,lené fotografie, mu,,ete psát vlastnà názory.
Stante se soucástà ojedinelé události! Va,,e prÃle,,itost pri,,la práve ted! Poznejte osobne Jana Saudka.
Dear friends! You have just visited an unofficial website of an extraordinary event that will happen in a few weeks on August 5th at 11 a.m. at the fortification that dates back to 19th century in Olomouc-Krelov (www.forty.cz), the Czech Republic.
Now, what do we offer? World famous photographer Jan Saudek himself has just accepted our offer to create a black-and-white photograph of naked group of 500 volunteers from all over the world. And what..s the point? That..s you who can come and be a part of this great party. It..s enough to write to [email protected] to enroll. We will give you an immediate feedback and will keep you posted by new and fresh informations. Here, you will find new pics, interviews, video messages. Ad us to your website and you will know everything directly from us, you will be in touch with us, you can communicate with us, leave us messages for Jan Saudek himself who will answer your questions personally. Be a part of this happening! Your chance has just come. Get to know Jan Saudek as a photographer and a human being!!!