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I am here for Networking

About Me

Mother. Artist. Dreamer. I'm a single mom working full-time, painting in my spare-time, and I always seem to be off in my own little world. I am really fond of my latest pieces. I love each one of them for their differences. I feel like they each have this uniqueness that's me. Everytime I paint, a part of my heart, soul, being, is there, visually. Parts of me that I thought I'd lost, or never knew I had. I want to share my art with others. I want people to FEEL something when view my work. But it also breaks my heart to think about selling them. I guess I feel like when I do, I'll be losing little bits of me. I am very attached to my paintings. I think maybe I'm just in a place in my life where I'm clinging to everything that makes me feel alive. I was recently told that near the end of my marriage, I became "a blank shell of a person". I don't want to be that way again. I need my art for several reasons. 1. I need to provide a better life for my daughter. and 2. It helps to remind me who I am, and why I needed to do the things that I've done. If you want to know more "about me" then take a look at the pieces I have posted. I hope to sometime soon have all my work up (and hopefully they'll be quality pictures... I hate looking at the pictures and not seeing them the way I see my paintings on my walls).

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

other artists.......... anyone interesting.......... anyone inspiring..........

My Blog

soundtrack to our lives......

isn't it funny the way certain songs stick with you?  and hearing those songs takes you back to a memory, be it good, bad, or ugly?  in fact, some songs will give you multiple memories. ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:53:00 GMT

stupid bulletins not working....

i've got some new pics up.  there are black widows all over the place where i work, so i take a break every 15 minutes or so to go probing around taking pictures (very dangerous i know, but ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:08:00 GMT

first frame

I just made my first frame all by myself. Dad bought a miter saw today and some wood and stain for me. So I got to play with some power tools. yay :)I made a frame for a 16x20" canvas. Just something ...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 22:20:00 GMT

just a little something that's been bothering me...

Why is it that in so many places in the world people speak their native language plus english?  I'm torn between being grateful and feeling shitty.  Do americans just feel like they can get ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 13:32:00 GMT


well see there all I had to do was start bitching about the pic not posting and then BAM. it posts. hahahahahaha *evil laughter*so it's up now. it's the one I did on june 14th. enjoy myspacers.oh and ...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 20:56:00 GMT

at wits end

so this is definitely the third blog I've posted that's about one piece of mine in particular. grrrr... so let's refresh.blog #1- I have this idea for a painting and don't have the means to paintblog ...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 20:35:00 GMT

oh happiness :)

well, i just finished my painting.  it's gorgeous.  exactly how i wanted it.  i feel so much better now that i've painted.  i also feel good because i just showered.  that's a...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 21:29:00 GMT

what is an artist without a canvas?

why do i have to be almost broke and have no canvases?  i want to paint soooo bad right now and i have nothing to paint on.  i could go get probably a 16x20 at walmart for about 6 bucks... b...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:47:00 GMT