anyone who is willing to stand up for what they believe in!
truly look at your life and understand that you represent something greater than yourself. your mind, body and soul is worth more alive than dead. so, wake up and truly live.
if the world's population were reduced to 100,
it would look something like this...
- click here -
soundsofqol : aim
The New Stuff:
ha ha ha...yeh, i'm getting really old! not only am i now 28...but my high school reunion is coming up! wow, if you get time, go and check out some of the photos! see if you can find my goofy-looking's hilarious!
Some People I Know:
- jacob -
- eureka -
- cody -
- annie -
- big wiggle -
- landry -
- kaitlin -
- becky -
- hannah -
- gabe -
- jackalac -
- jess -
- liv -
- the m.i.c. -
- linger -
- mckenna -
- brad -
- mason -
- bethany q -
- showers -
see them all