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About Me

Diaclase - French solo project of Vincent Voineau - uses schemes of industrial, ambient, and experimental musics.

To sharp and diaphanous climats, it combines the sonic burst of restless research of new sounds and new approaches. Creating inexpected atmospheres putting aside all conventions is a well settled purpose.
In other words, it's all about building a music that must be listened to for itself.

For Diaclase, the stage is a dramatic place where sound, visual and movement are one. He plans to associate audio-visual and modern dance artists for live shows.

Contact Diaclase
43 rue Andrée Tamisé 33200 Bordeaux - FRANCE

Diaclase is looking for a distributor.

The chronicles / Les chroniques
"At the crossroads of ambient and industrial musics... the fours tracks from "En patience" reveal a talented musician who has an exceptional vision and talent, hardly similar to any other."
"Au carrefour des musiques ambiantes et industrielles... les quatre compositions que constituent 'En patience' révèlent un musicien au talent et à la vision exceptionnels, qu'on aurait bien du mal à rapprocher d'un autre."
"Diaclase could very well distinguish himself thanks to the intelligence and the richness of his music"
"Diaclase pourrait bien se démarquer grâce à la richesse et à l'intelligence de sa musique."
"...with as soon as this first album, a great maturity and an undoubtable power."
"...Avec dès ce premier opus une grande maturité et une puissance indéniable."
The Factory
An amazing album, an artist of unique musical perception. Don't miss it.
"Album génialissime ...artiste à la perception musicale unique."
"Apparaissant fortuitement et sans prévenir, la singularité de ce projet risque d'en laisser plus d'un pantois, à suivre de très près."
03 Zine
"Intrigant, troublant, hypnotique, autant de qualificatifs pour présenter l'univers étrange de Diaclase. Loin des éclats de violence de la scène metal, Diaclase se fraye un chemin, son chemin, en dépit des modes."

My Interests


Member Since: 04/06/2007
Band Website: http://www.diaclase.com/
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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