profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

.. ..
? I am jason.
? I have two sisters. I don't see them nearly often enough.
? I have a mouse named BATTLESHIP and a mouse named GLEEK... they're both females.
? (I am) proud to be a SHOCKER!
? I once ate Sonic everyday for a couple months.
? I spend more money than I make.
? I like peanut butter on my waffles.
? I will eat damn near anything.
? I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
? pretty girls intimidate me.
? I like to watch movies, but rarely have the attention span to finish one.
? I burp and pick my nose freely.
? I love soccer, I want to play again.
? I have been to two Nascar races... and fell asleep at both of them.
? I want to go on a roadtrip.
? I fart on my friends.
? I like hugs.
? I take a lot of pictures, sometimes I get lucky.
? I melt at the sight of a beautiful smile.
? I used to be a nice guy.
? I am sentimental.
? I get my hopes up easily.
? I love to cuddle.
? I love it when someone plays with my hair.
? I think a girl that paints is sexy.
? I drink too much... coffee, that is.
? I think for myself, but I am open to your opinion.
? I shower when I feel dirty.
? I clean my room a few weeks after I decide it needs it.
? I am a hypocrite, and I hate hypocrisy.
? I don't like cold wind.
? the first cds I ever bought were Alanis Morissette and Coolio.
? I can surprise you.
? I haven't broken a bone... yet.
? I will listen to you if you have something to say.
? I am superstitious, and I don't even realize it.
? I admire honesty.
? I use unconventional terms of endearment.
? I love Adam Sandler movies.
? I am a closet Usher fan.
? I hate arrogance.
? I have never done drugs.
? I think smoking is almost as big of a turn-off as bitchiness.
? I think Kate Beckinsale is gorgeous in Click.
? I owe a lot to the people who have been supportive, but I would not be me without the people who haven't.
? a certain girl has changed my life. I will never forget her.
I am in your extended network.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the real you.

a photogenic hair stylist or painter. :)

My Blog

uas v2.0 // crazy 88

"thank you for proving them wrong...">> thank you for being everything I've been missing...   [click photos] sara & adam [09/01/2007] glee. 39 days [itp] ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:00:00 GMT

urine all*star v2.0 II: the conception of the high five squad!

must I always be waiting, waiting on you?must I always be playing, playing your fool?jack johnson - sitting, waiting, wishing... if you don't enjoy it, if it's not fun... what's the point? [click for ...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 08:01:00 GMT

[NEW] urine all*star v2.0

"but you can't make me happy, quite as good as me... you know that's a lie."damien rice - elephant   to those of you that were eager, or even just somewhat curious, to see what I've been doing wi...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:49:00 GMT

uas: the remainder

"is loneliness what lovin' you's about?"eagle*seagull - your beauty is a knife I turn on my throat     I got a new camera last week, so here is the last chunk of junk from the old one - enjo...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 13:33:00 GMT

hey now, urine all*star.

if I hadn't made me, woulda been made somehow.if I hadn't assembled myself, I'd have fallen apart by now.[incubus - make yourself][the images will be bigger if you take your little mouse-y and click o...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 16:25:00 GMT

urine all*star... still.

"I have seen the difference... but I am older now"onesidezero - new world order   [for larger image... click] sunrise one morning. ms. kate lately, my rock. sunrise at sedgwick co. park ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:09:00 GMT

urine all*star too

[click for larger image...]MISC: TiNY [my little sis] TRICIA [take two] TiNY [take two]
Posted by on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 22:01:00 GMT

urine all*star

[click to see larger photo...] random pics: neat blurry ones: CHARLI: TRICIA:
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:00:00 GMT


"we'll get there faster and we'll take it slow..."the beach boys - kokomo   after all the chaos and graduation, I'm taking a trip... by myself I need some self-reflection time... I don't know whe...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 21:59:00 GMT

the blower's daughter...

"I can't take my eyes off of you... I can't take my mind off of you..."damien rice - the blower's daughter   last week... was simply amazing... but now I am back in the grind of 15+ hour day...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 18:59:00 GMT