Myspace Layouts
Myspace LayoutsWELCOME to Penns Grove Lodge #1358!Meeting Directions: 57 W Main Street Penns Grove NJ (We are directly accross from the Post Office) 856-299-9840; meets 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, except for July & August, then 4th Thurs; no meeting on Thanksgiving.To view scoial quaters hours, please also visit our Elks website at 58Visting Elks may come to upper front door & present their current membership card.We have so many new things happening at the lodge! New members coming in and old ones returning!We will also be posting our events and fund raisers and the MySpace bulletin board, so watch for them!!Please come out and enjoy!! Volunteers for these events and fundraisers are ALWAYS appreciated!!!!Remember: This lodge exists because we make it happen! Without constant volunteering our goals for the charities will not be met!What have you done to help your fellow man today?What can you do tomorrow?