My Blog
Brandon is a dumbass
oh hell
Yesterday brandon called my freind ally to get her to come over, and they have this annoying ansering machine message of her little brother, and he is so whiny. Anywho after a couple tries bra...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jul 2005 14:19:00 GMT
My bike
Saw august and brandon, scared the shit out of them
Me and the my freind's house that they left the bike at cordinated and told them, when we saw them this evening that the bike got stolen. ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Jun 2005 22:48:00 GMT
Found the two cats last night.
Will be going to New York at the 11th, wonder what i'lll go see. Probably go to the Metropolitan, my favorite place in New York. I really want to ge see this http://www....
Posted by on Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:23:00 GMT
Damn thee
Cats damn thee
damn cats. I moved, but left two cats that are crazy at my old house, for the renter to feed(hopeing they'd find new homes). but they ran away and are now without food. I spen...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:08:00 GMT