music, gigs, my bro, friends, my cat Dharma, iaido, booze, japanese cooking, going to the ocean, shopping, ...
WARZONE, Perkele, Rancid, The Krays, L'Infanterie Sauvage, Camera Silens, Snix, Cock Sparrer, Bombardiers, Turbonegro, Johnny Cash, Blitz, The Patriot, PTTB, Brassknuckle Boys, LFTB, Agnostic Front, SOIA, The Misfits, Calabrese, Social Distortion, The Templars, Motorhead, Frustration, The 4 Skins,...
Donnie Darko, Tim Burton's movies, Batman (the Dark Knight), Planet Terror, Sin City, Kill Bill, Skarface, The Godfather, The Life of David Gale, Into the Wild, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, ...
the Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Daria, Sponge Bob,...
SF Books (Lovecraft, Koontz, Zimmer Bradley, Dick, Ellison,...), Mishima, Comics (all C. Burns, The Goon,...),...
Bender :)
& Ray Beez ;)