"Stillborne is more than just a band. We are emotionally charged musicians. In our writing process, we try to incorporate everyone's perspective on day-to-day situations, which may be nothing to the world, but are the world to some people. We are fueled by love and hate. This dichotomy sets us apart from other bands in the local RGV scene. Isaac, the drummer, is the heartbeat of the band keeping the group in sync with each other with his powerful pounding of the drums. Ernie, the guitarist, is the hard metal edge that brings the shape to our volatile music, which is tamed by rhythm guitarist Steve, who brings the melodic feel and breaths of fresh air into our music. Toeknee, the bassist, brings the fullness that is lacking in most groups today. Matthew, lead singer, is the guidance and ambition of Stillborne; he brings emotion to the music with his powerful voice, which is only matched by his awe-inspiring stage presence. To experience StillBorne LIVE is to witness the ambient soul of each and every one of us poured out into our music."
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