We're a group of local revolutionaries fighting to emancipate humanity in the most radical and liberating way. Our work in doing so flows from the slogan, “Fight the power, and Transform the People, for Revolution!†Around the world and day by day, life under this worthless imperialist system, based on exploitation and oppression, is a brutal struggle for the majority of humanity. However there is hope, which lies in the fact that, at this point in human history, this is no longer necessary. An international class of people – the proletariat – has come into existence, whose fundamental interests and aims lie in uprooting and transcending all forms of oppression and exploitation, which arise from the economic system of capitalism that we live under today.Not only is there a class of people who can make this change, but there is a science to lead them. The science of communism – the method and approach of analyzing, as accurately as possible, the complex and contradictory nature of the material world in which we live today, in order to change it in line with the interests of humanity – is our greatest weapon and we are calling on any and all to help us sharpen and forge it through theory and practice.As a club we wield Revolution Newspaper and the Revolution DVD - a talk by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party - as we bring a scientific understanding of the desperate need for and the exhilarating possibility of Revolution. As we dig deeply into this understanding with others, and with that foundation, we support and lead resistance against the crimes and outrages which reflect concentrations of this awful system.We are in the process of hastening while awaiting a revolutionary situation. On the streets, in the classrooms, on the block and in the mix, wherever we are, we are revolutionaries, linking up the events and struggles of today with the thirst and conscious means to battle more fiercely and for the highest aspirations of humanity, tomorrow. We expose the past and present of this vicious and obsolete set-up in order to enable everyone to recognize and examine for themselves the genuinely inspiring opportunity to overthrow imperialism and seize the socialist road as a transition to a communist future.
“500 years of capitalism has shown what their system is all about. TIME’S UP!â€â€œHumanity Needs Revolution and Communism!â€