REAGAN profile picture


bitch i aint scared, i aint scared mother fucker

About Me

i'm reagan.


and i'm


My Interests

living it UP :]

the longest fucking survey in the world

full complete name: reagan rebecca nolen
are u named after anyone?: some great aunt or something
whats ur screenname: cheernreag (from eighth grade) haha douche bag
would u name a child of urs after urself?: maybe
nickname: reaganigga
odd nicknames uve been called: ray reag rattler reaganomics reaganator
any mispronounciations/typos ppl do with ur name constantly: reagen , raegan, raegen, reagon, all that bullshit
if u were born the opposite sex, what would ur name be?: ross
if u could switch names with a friend, who would it be: i like my name
gender: female
sexual orientation: lots
birthdate: dec 2, 1989
number of candles on ur last birthday cake: 17
birthplace: east ridge hopital
zodiac sign: sagittarius
current location: home
currently living: w/ mom and stepdad
ethnicity/race: white
eye color: blue
happy with it?: sure
hair color: blonde
happy with it?: yeah
height: 5'6
weight: fat
left/right/ambidextrious: right
living arrangements: what
family: gay
job: hallmark
what do u even do: cashier and sale
piercings: 2 in ears
tattoos: none yet
school: ringgoold
state: georgia
bf/gf: single
think ur attractive: on occasion
are u confident: a little
age u act: i guess 17
age u wish u were: 21
obsessions: bad things
can u speak another language: no
are u spoiled: no i hate spoiled bitches
are u a good role model: no
most overused phrase on messaging service: i dont use any of that
most overused phrase in real life convo: i don't know what i say
one word to describe urself: unique
thing u said: every day i’m hustlin
thing u ate: pill
thing u drank: water
song u listened to: what i siad last
place u went: cabin
movie u saw at the theatre: i cant remember
movie u rented: no idea
tv show u watched: chappelle hsow i think
time u laughed: last night
why: because somethin was funny
food: dill pickels
candy: skittles
number: 16
color: yellow and teal
flower: i dont know any flowers
cereal: lucky charms, coco puffs, fruity pebbles, cookie crisp, reeces puffs.. all those good cereals
actor: zach braff
actress: i dont have one
animal: monkey
drink: dr pepper
alcoholic drink: beer
bagel: i dont really eat bagles
letter: ? z
band: radiohead and incubus
sport to watch: volleyball
professional team: i dont have one
brand of makeup: i dont care about it
teacher: mrs mcleod
fast food: mcdonalds
car: wish i had a 4runner
inside joke: i dont know
city: not ringgold
quote: i dont have one
thing about ur body: eyes
least fav thing about ur body: boobs
word starting with "w": woo tang
saying: idk
do u still remember ur first love: yeah, not love
still love him/her: no
do u consider love a mistake: mine was
what do u find romantic: a guy who actually gives a shit.. when they really care and you know it…
turn-on: nice smile and teeth, great personality and sexy
turn-off: nasty, dont like to talk, no sense of humor.. boring
do u go more by looks or personality: well at first i guess looks, everybody judges the looks first.. then they have to have a good personality or the looks just dont even matter
what is best about the opposite sex: sexy stomache.. back
what is the worst about them: i hate big mussles.. i like a little bit of mussle
are u in love: no
is ur significant other hot: if there was one
are u the romantic type: sorda
has anyone ever loved u: yeah
does someone love u right now: not that i know of
what would u do on ur ideal date: have lots of fun
what should a person NEVER EVER EVER do on a first date: screw.. i just don’t think that’s right
do u know when ur in love/lust: i guess you know when youre in love… i havent been in love… but i know when i like somebody if thats what lust is
most impressive pickup line: pickup lines dont work
do u like to be in physical contact alot (handholding, touching): yeah.. usually, depending on the other
in opposite sex: height, hair, eye color: taller than me, just whatever hair looks good. i like lighter hair more than real real real dark, blue or green eyes are my favorite
opposite sex: personality: funny, and outgoing.. laid back
opposite sex: fav color: why would that matter
describe how your last relationship was: didn’t last long.. just didn’t feel right i guess
coke or pepsi: pepsi
mcdonalds/burger king: mcdonalds
strawberry/watermelon: either i guess
hot tea/ice tea: ice tea
chocolate/vanilla: chocolate
hot chocolate/coffee: well i guess if im tired coffee
kiss/hug: both
volleyball/tennis: volleyball
ice cream/frozen yogurt: which ever one tastes better i guess
dog/cat: dog
rap/punk: rap
summer/winter: summer
funny/scary movies: scary orfunny.. either one
deaf/blind: why would i prefer either of those
love/money: love and money
apples/oranges: i don’t realy like eihter
ocean/lake: either.. i guess lake, cause fish scare me
pizza/chinese: chinese and pizza
mansion/penthouse: penthouse
baseball/football: football
waffles/pancakes: pancakes
soda/pop: soda?
republican/democrat: democrat
AIM/yahoo: neither
skim/whole/1%/2% milk: i don’t care its just milk
you: shy/outgoing: outgoing.. maybe a little to much
southpark/malcolm in the middle: southpark
cheerleading/murdering: murdering
tequila/vodka: vodka
lost prophets/sugarcult: neither
fruit/veggies: fruit
srping/fall: fall
elementary/middle school: middle
guy friends/girl friends: both
straight/curly hair: straight
shark/gummy bear: gummy bears
paris/nicky hilton: idk
broken heart/serious injury: broken heart.. who wants to get a injury
serious relationship/short fling: serious.. but not too seirous
freak dance/slow dance: freak
cell phone/home phone: cell
chinese/japanese food: chinese
style: comfortable
future job: psychologist
car: a piece
bedtime: when i fall asleep
most missed memory: before i got caught and grounded
best physical feature: eyes i think
first thought waking up: ahhhhhhhhh
goal for this year: it’s a secret
hows it going so far?: about to happen
best friend: molly and magen
jewelry: same necklaces and bracelets i usually wear
weakness: uh.. i dont know
fears: fish
heritage: my parents
longest relationship: 5 months haha yeah, they dont ever last
and shortest: nick
pets: roscoe:dog.. wally:cat
siblings: 6
their names and ages: dusty 21 raven 20 rob 20 caitlin 17 rachel 17 me 17 and riley 14
parents together?: no
names and ages: roger i guess about 40… rebecca 39
hero: myself
current average in school: no idea
most frequently heard compliment: nice stuff about my smile and eyes
greatest strength/weakness: dont know
cocktail of choice: don’t have a choice
thing ur most proud of: grades last semester..
hobbies: volleyball and partying and hanging out and all
talents: pretty talented in certain ways
label: what
drank: yeah
smoked: yeah
pot: yeah
been drunk: yeah
been completely wasted: yeah
been in a fight: nah
howd it go: no
been beaten up: hell no
beaten someone up: no
shoplifted: yeah
been outta the state: yeah
been bitched out: yeah
been played: yeah
been suspended: yeah
skinny dipped: yeah
been dumped lately: no
been to the mall lately: i work there so yeah
had a crush and they never knew: i dont know
climbed outta ur bedroom window: not in this new house
thrown-up in a public place: yeah
broken a bone: a finger
got stitches: no
been in love: i thought
had a broken heart: kinda.. thought i did anyways
been on a boat: yeah
been on a jetski: yeah
sworn at ur parents: yeah
been to disneyland/disneyworld: yeah
been to california: no itd be cool to go though
driven a car: yeah
ride in a limo: no
drink champagne: yeah
been on stage: yeah
slept outdoors: yeah
pulled an all-nighter: yeah
whats ur record: a couple days
talked on the phone all night: not all night
slept all day: yeah i guess
thought u were going crazy: yeah
been betrayed: yeah
had a dream that came true: maybe
broken the law: yeah
met someone famous: no
killed an animal by accident: possum
stolen anything: yeah
considered a religious vacation: i dont belive in god so no
gone in a hot-air balloon: no
pretended to be someone else to be cool: no, cant say that i have
laughed so hard u cried: yeah
talked to someone u dont know: yeah
gone out of ur way to befriend someone: kinda
made out in a theatre: yeah
been outta the country: yeah mexico.. going again this summer
failed a grade: no
been to cedar point or six flags: six flags
done something crazy in public: yeah
eaten cheesecake: nasty
eye color: blue or green
hair color: what looks best on them
short or long hair: what looks good
height: taller then me
style: comfy and laid back.. sexy
looks or personality: both
hot or cute: hot
average or hot: just as long as they look good
drugs or alcohol: both
muscular or really skinny: not too muscular
blonde or brunette: whatever looks best i like brown better though.. just not dark dark
interests: same as i like
first thing u notice: teeth, mouth, body.. eyes
first body part u notice: the whole body
known the longest: the gordon lee friends
tell ur problems to: molly
tell ur secrets to and know they wont tell: magen
do u have any gay/lesbian friends: yeah
newest: amber.. she’s the sHHHHIT
shyest: nobody’s shy
u miss being close to the most: elizabeth
u fight with the most: none of them
whos house u were at last: i think molly’s.. before i got grounded
loudest: probably myself
one uve lost: allison :[ RIP baby
lazyest: everybody
do u think ur popular: i dont give a shit
what do u like best about ur friends: they are the shit
what kinds of cars do ur friends drive: uh.. one lucky ass drives a lexus.. a grand prix and.. a honda something i think.. civic maybe. honda accord.. just like mine. nobody else has cars these days
whats the nicest thing a friends done for u: idk
what do they think of u: im a freak i guess
ur best friends: molly and magen
shoe brand: any sandals i like
clothing brand: gadzooks
scent: whatever smells good
normal attire: jeans and a shirt.. sometimes a nice shirt.. ususally not..
do u wear hats: no
do u wear make-up: not a whole lot
favorite place to shop: i dont really shop
favorite article of clothing: jeans i guess and my tie dye hulk shirt
are u trendy: no and i dont wanna be
would u rather wear a uniform to school: no
cook: i try
open ur eyes underwater: what
eat whatever u want: if i have what i want
like to party: yeah
have cheese obsessions: i love cheese..
like thunderstorms: yeah when im with people
get along with ur parents: yeah
think ur attractive: sometimes but i really dunno
believe in urself: yeah
wanna go to college: yeah
like trampolines: yeah
rent or own: own?
smoke: yeah
drink: yeah
smoke pot: not in 2 weeks
shower daily: sometimes.. sometimes i just don’t care.. and everybody thinks its nasty, but really who gives a shit
sing: yeah
like getting ur pic taken: yeah
have a tan: no.. cant go to the tannin bed, and really dont wanna
complain alot: no
think country-western people=redneck: i guess
get annoyed easily: not really.. im pretty laid back
have an ipod: no
like mohawks: on certain people
want to get married: sure
want children: yeah just 2
got any names picked out: no
think ur fat: not fat.. just could be smaller
hate anyone: no. i dont like a lot of people, but dont really hate anybody
have a pool: no
babysit: no
look more like ur mom or dad: mom
cry a lot: used to
cry to get out of trouble: no
workout: every once in a hwile
have 6-pack abs: a long time ago..
consider urself nice: yeah
fall in love easily: no
chew ice: eat it? yeah
floss: yeah
play an instrument: no
have braces: no
watch more than 40 hours of tv a week: i never watch tv
blowdry/straighten ur hair: yeah usually
have any special talents or skills: no gag reflex.
haha if thats considered a talent
bite ur nails: no
like to go fighing: fighing? what..
live in an apartment or house: house
believe in love at first sight: no
pray: yeah in a way. i guess nobody would consider it praying since it isn't to god. it's not to anybody specific.. just a prayer to noone
go to church: only when i’m made to
live in the moment: always
consider urself tolerant of others: yeah.. unless you drive me insane, ill just let you know
hate birds: dont hate them
find urself attractive: on occasion
think taco bell is awesome: its decent
have any secrets: yeah
hate urself: no
like ur handwriting: yeah
like animals: yeah
like drinking from straws: drinking what
have any bad habits: yeah.. all my habits
believe in organized religion: no
think lifes been good so far: for the most part. i’ve dealt w a lot of stuff.. but it’s been decent
believe in witches: no
think its possible to be faithful forever: no
wish on stars: yeah
know how to whistle: yeah.. but barely
gleek: no
know how to impersonate: depends on the person.. ive got some down pat
have a secret ppl would be surprised to know: yeah
prefer the good or bad boy/girl: badddddd boys
wear shoes to bed: why
skip class/school: sometimes
go to school dances: prom
have a short attention span: yeah
have ADD: adhd
wear eyeliner: sometimes
blast ur music so hard that all u can hear is the music: sometimes
sleep with music on: sometimes
think tyra banks is hot: yeah
like college or professional sports better: neither.. dont care really
have any regrets: no.. just learn from my mistakes
haunted u: whaaat
u wanted to kill: brittney.. i dont know her last name. in my first block..
u laughed at: jordan du
u went shopping with: its been a really long time
broke ur heart: i thought josh did.. back in the day, but no.. nobody
disappointed u: nobody really
made u cry: dont remember
brightened ur day: somebody
u thought about: idk
u saw a movie with: i cant even remember when i saw a movie or what it was
u talked to on the phone: jon
u talked to on IM: i dont use that
u saw: kirby amber jordan rach and caitlin
u lost: deb :[ rip love you
u thought was insane: myself
u told off: a douche bag
u trusted: my friends
u turned down: :[
said HI to u: no idea
tell u i love u: mom
kissed u: nick
hugged u: mom lol
tell u BYE: cait rach and jordan
wrote u a note: molly drew me a picture
take ur photo: amber and me and kara
call ur cell phone: barry
bought u something: mom i think
sang to u: i dont know
wrote a poem for u: nobody
text messaged u: molly
touched u: i dont know
sent u an email: never check that
u talked to: step dad
and u said what?: whats wrong w/ mom

i deleted the other half of this.
just too long.
if you wanna know anything else just ask me.


ben harper
reo speedwagon
dead prez
goo goo dolls
modest mouse
james blunt
tom petty
staind incubus
jack johnson
pink floyd
bob marley
john mayer
neil young
bob dylan
the doors
janis joplin... more

any acoustic
&indie.. shitttt :]



donnie darko
team america
love, ludlow
dazed and confused
the united states of leland
cheech and chong, up in smoke
the chumscrubber

& other ones


the colbert report & chappelle show

My Blog

reagan is...

fill this shit out. I _____ reagan. reagan is _____.reagan needs ______.I want to _____ reagan.reagan can ______.Someday reagan will _______.reagan reminds me of _______....
Posted by REAGAN on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:13:00 PST