wireless technology, verizon, fire poi, computer gaming, wired and wireless networking, music of all types, piano, percussion, turbocharged engines, automotive performance tuning, 600cc sportbikes, doing 0-60mph in less time than it takes you to read this last sentence.
If you're interesting, I wouldn't mind talking to you.I'll warn you in advance that my sense of humor is very caustic; sarcasm is an art form.
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I looked down, and there was like, a Jack Johnson album next to my beer! So I'm like, "WHOSE IS THIS?! I LOVE JACK JOHNSON!" And this guy says, "Oh yeah? Me too! I love him too, let's go up to my room and talk about it!"
Family Guy is the best show ever created.
Da Vinci Code, the Wheel of Time series, works by Steven Brust, Clive Cussler, Nicolo Machiavelli, and Sun Tzu. I won't put Ayn Rand on here because that's just an author that people namedrop when they try to make themselves look smart. i.e. "I READ AYN RAND ON A DAILY BASIS THEREFORE I AM SMARTER THAN YOU". Not saying that Machiavelli and Tzu aren't used for the same thing, but it's usually Ayn Rand and some other lofty title, like "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"