Acts of unspeakable violence against innocent life.
Your ignorance leads to my fight.
Senseless destruction of natures beauty.
Useless violation of all it's purity. You cover the crime.
You are a part of it.
And now you condemn me.
And label me an terrorist.
Acts of liberation.
The protection of darkness.
Seems to be their only chance.
For a life in dignity. A life defined by torture.
A life defined by pain.
They will never see the sun.
There will never be a dawn for them. You set profit over existence.
You set money over everything.
Your ears are deaf to their cries.
And your eyes are blind to their demise. BORN - TO - DIE
BORN TO DIE - BORN TO BE KILLED You consume, the products of mass murder.
So you are part, of their demise.