Hi everyone, i'm Kerry. I'm 21 and i'm from Leamington.
I work as a hairdresser at a salon called Saul Clements(the best salon in Leamington so you best come and try it out!!). If anyone goes there already then make sure you come and say hi!
I have a lovely boyfriend called Mark who i love very much(I have to say that!). No, seriously, he means the world to me and i dont no what i'd do without him...love you baby.X
Anyway, i'm not sure what else to say so i'll leave it at that. Feel free to come and say hi and if your honoured enough i'll accept you as my friend!!X **Kerry**
I changed my font at pyzam.com
img width=0 height=0 style="visibility:hidden;" src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/counters/dBFII5RbVxU