Yoshii profile picture


Can I see you in my ready room?

About Me

Hmmmm, yup I still hate telling people about myself in these thingys, their pointless I can say what ever I want in this thing, like I can tell you things like I enjoy long walks on the beach (that should be your first clue if you know anything about Colorado...), drinking fine wines, and watching the sunset. Now doesn't that just sound like the perfect douche bag... ooops, I mean guy? See really I can tell you whatever I want here and hope that you'll fall for it and believe me. So here's a few things about me that actually are true... I'm very honest and extremely sarcastic, to the point where I'm kinda an asshole some times, but I'm the nicest asshole you'll ever love, yes I know I'm loved because I'm an asshole, it's a very effed up world. I pretty much lived at a hookah bar at night for a long time, and then stopped going there cause the people that work there suck now, 90% of the people that go there suck more, and the hookahs taste kinda like if you were to burn a tire and inhale the smoke. I used to go to raves and have now kinda cut back cause most of the people I went with are off doing another state now, and it didn't help that most of the ones that I really looked forward to sucked. I used to a dark blue Mazda3 (one of the first ones in the state and was complete with a custom body kit) until it was totaled in April of 07, I now drive a bright blue Mazda CX-7, I still have the same 2 ducks on my dash board (which is a trend I started... and if you don't believe me we can go settle this right now!), and I'm the whitest Asian you'll every meet... if you couldn't tell I like the color blue. I'm usually kinda an ass when you first meet me... and then a different kind of ass once you know me, but remember I'm an ass because I care... cause if i wasn't an ass to you I just wouldn't speak to you. So that said, if you wanna know something else about me, send me something... A message, comment, smoke signal and I'll try my best to respond back to you... Someday.
About Me
Name: Joshua Knight Morganfield
Birthday: October 24, 1985
Birthplace: Taiwan
Current Location: Aurora, Colorado... unfourtantly.
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5' 5"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: I'm Asian... on the outside.
The Shoes You Wore Today: None yet.
Your Weakness: Blonds, no wait girls in general...
Your Fears: Being rejected and spiders, yuk.
Your Perfect Pizza: Just cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Find a decent girlfriend, yeah like thats going to happen...
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Ummmm, yeah about that...
Thoughts First Waking Up: Damnit im still alive and its 12:30 oh man?!
Your Best Physical Feature: I don't think I've got one, find it for me.
Your Bedtime: When the sun starts coming up.
Your Most Missed Memory: Summer vacation.
Pepsi or Coke: Ehhh, doesn't matter.
MacDonalds or Burger King: Do I have to pick one of these?
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Either one once again it doesn't matter.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: Cigs oh hell no, does hookah does count?
Do you Swear: Hell yeah I do, oops there I go again...
Do you Sing: Yeah I am right now.
Do you Shower Daily: Yes, 3 times if i find the need to.
Have you Been in Love: Yeah I hate her now, ironic isn't it?
Do you want to go to College: I will be.
Do you want to get Married: Someday yes, will it happen probably not.
Do you belive in yourself: Like do i exsist? I guess I do. I mean I'm here.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Yeah but only when watching other people play video games.
Do you think you are Attractive: Someone else answer this for me...
Are you a Health Freak: No, I love candy, chips, and soda too much.
Do you get along with your Parents: Yeah I guess I do.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Oh yeah who doesn't.
Do you play an Instrument: Ummm, I'm not the talented.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Ha Ha, wouldn't you like to know.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: What do you concider a drug?
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Hell no girls don't wanna date me.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yeah it sucked and I couldn't find any decent earrings or people for that matter.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: There was only half box when I got ahold of them.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Why yes I have.
In the past month have you been on Stage: Ummmm, kinda I've been in front of a buncha people.
In the past month have you been Dumped: No, can't get dumped when no one wants you to start with, haha.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Not in the past month.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Is downloading a crap load of stuff stealing?
Ever been Drunk: Oh yeah.
Ever been called a Tease: HA HA... NO
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: Ummmm, if you wanna call it that, its very complicated.
How do you want to Die: Not alone? Ok well thats not gonna happen, so not painfully then.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I don't wanna grow up,its not fun.
What country would you most like to Visit: Italy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Green or Blue or one of each, that would be cool.
Favourite Hair Color: Blond is still great, anything else works too, pink is always a killer.
Short or Long Hair: Medium
Height: Doesnt matter, I just happen to be shorter then everyone on Earth anyways.
Weight: Not anorexic and not overly big... I'm not shallow.
Best Clothing Style: Like mine? I guess jeans and a shirt of some type.
Number of Drugs I have taken: Like legal and illegal or what are we talking here?
Number of CDs I own: NONE all my music is digital, I love the little iPod, I love it GOOD.
Number of Piercings: 2 my ears.
Number of Tattoos: None yet.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Hmmmm, Kelly your one of them, other than that... there might be 2 more.

My Interests

Well I know I like to do something but I don't know what it is yet... Hey I know now, uh no wait I can't say that here. Just ask if you feel the need to know what I'm interested in. And if your too lazy to ask then just assume I like long walks on the beaches we don't have in Colorado and something having to do with friends.

I'd like to meet:

More About Me:

myspace ? survey
name: We've been over this... Joshua Knight Morganfield
nicknames: Josh, Yoshi, Hookala, Twinkie, "That Guy", hey asian kid, you over there...
age: 22 and after 21 its not really a big deal...
birthday: Octobr 24, 1985
location: Crappy Aurora, Colorado... but its home.
school/grade: Skool whats that?
backgrounds: Like pictures?
siblings: Yeah I think I've got one...
straight/bi/gay: Straight... despite the fact most girls suck...
job: I want another one.
hair color: Black
eye color: Brown
height: 5' 5"
ethnicity: Asian, but I act white as hell.
label: I'm a fuckin GOD... of hookah.
look like a celeb: I'm Jet Li... BITCH
dye your hair: I will... someday.
have bangs: I barly have hair.
have braces: I did like 13 years ago.
wear glasses: Yeah all the time... Sunglasses that is.
wear contacts: Nope
piercings: Just the ears.
tattoos: Nope not yet.
color: Blue, Aqua Green, and Red... in that order.
movie: Hmmmm don't really have one.
tv show: I hate T.V. and for the last time, not all things can be cured by pills and food.
animal: Like if I could have it locked in my bathtub or something... The Kraken, if not then a cool looking fish.
food: Yes please.
drink: As long as its mixed with alcohol, then whatever.
alcoholic drink: Anything but beer and I'm fine.
car: I would love to have Rufus back, if not then anything over 350k will do.
day of the week: Any day I don't have to work.
season: I hate seasons, can't it just be one thing all the time?
song: I've got tons of them.
sport: Huh, like standing up and running around?
radio station: Whats my iPod on?
resturant: Anything with food.
teacher: I don't think I have one... oh yeah I do.
class: The ones I slept through.
holiday: Well either Thanksgiving or my birthday, yeah its a holiday cause I'm just that badass.
quote: "Can I see you in my ready room... EAT A DICK"
book: Hmmmm paper with words, seems like a waste of good kindling to me.
magazine: The ones with pictures... Right?
flower: The ones you can smoke or eat are always nice.
memory: The ones not involving girls.
tv channel: Video 1 or Video 2
person you hugged: It might have been you... but I don't remember.
person you kissed: I really don't remember its been so long.
thing you said: "EAT A DICK"
thing you ate: Ribs and a piece of cheese bread... MMMMMM.
IMed: Nicole
texted: Was it you?
you called: Your Mom.
called you: Your Sister.
person you saw: If I cared to remember I would put a name here.
you have a long convo with: The Dog.
prettiest: Blond girls are always in the top 10.
stupidest: OH GEEZ, you really want me to answer this?
smartest: Serge I guess you seeing as how your going to work for a huge company.
best house: Hmmm thats tough, do I count?
best car: Thats Me, I count, I'm my own friend... If not then James.
best parents: I don't know.
loudest: I don't care.
funniest: I don't pay attention.
craziest: They're all crazy to me.
most shy: I get to put myself here too.
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend: Not me... Thats for damn sure.
always has parties: I wouldn't know... They just happen at places.
best girl friend: Laura do you count?
best guy friend: I'm not gay though.
known the longest: Sarah probably.
known the shortest: Any of the people I met at the hookah bar.
look up to the most: ME and only ME.
opinionated: Thats ME again.
athletic: Hmmmm we all smoke a lot so I don't know if anyones get this one.
most likely to pass out drunk: Thats free game right there.
to go streaking: The one thats probably drunkest.
become a cop: OH OH I know this.
become famous: Whos ever it is better give me money, just remember I've got naked pictures of all of you... Even YOU.
kill someone: Laura we have an agrenment still, right?
try to take over the world: AND OH YES ITS ME AGAIN, cause I'm the best friend I could have.
summer or winter: Both, I but I seem to hate them both when it actually is one.
dog or cat: Dogs, cats are dumb and they wake me up...
pepsi or coke: I don't drink pop... soda.
cellphone or iPod: If someone tries to take either their getting jacked the fuck up.
ocean or pool: Ocean has Kraken in it, YAY.
black or white: I usually do both.
chocolate or vanilla: Both again.
flowers or candy: Like for me or for someone else... Cause if its for someone else, F that I said.
rock or rap: I hate most rap music... In the area of 96%.
tv or movie: Movies all the way.
aim or myspace: I'm always on both.
stars or hearts: Throwing stars.
bracelet or necklace: I always wear both.
gold or silver: Silver is soooo much cooler.
brunette or blonde: BLONDS, Oh god blonds.
kisses or hugs: Depends on the person, some people I just don't know where their mouth has been.
pen or pencil: Pens are cleaner.
lb or oc: How about F. U.
drank: Oh yeah it was awesome from what I hear.
smoked: I'm the god of hookah... So within the last 12 hours.
failed a test: UMMMM I don't fail.
had sex: If I don't remember then it wasn't that good or she was a slut.
been home alone: Yeah ummm really it doesn't matter.
stayed home from school: There's that word skool again.
been to the mall: I don't know like a week.
bought a book: Can't, waste of kindling.
been to a show/concert: Is a rave a show and or concert?
yelled at someone: Within the last 8 Hour.
got into a fight/argument: Nope don't think so.
cried to a friend: I don't do that sorry.
told the truth: I just did.
told a lie: UMMMM you can't prove anything.
been out of state: August of 2007.
iN Y0UR R00M
tv: Yup 2 of them.
your own phone: UMMM cell phone?
your own phone line: What the hells is that cord coming out the back of that phone?
vcr: Yeah I think I've got 2.
dvd player: Yeah I've got lottsa those.
radio: I don't listen to the radio, unless my iPods connected to it.
computer: I think the count is 5, but I'm not sure.
posters: It fell off the door a month ago and I'm too lazy to re-hang it.
of what?: Need for Speed: Most Wanted
pictures: Not anymore.
of who?: A blondish looking hippo.
taken or single: Single, girls hate me and I hate them more.
got a crush: Yeah on myself... and if that doesn't count, yeah probably.
name pleaseee: Some undeserving slut probably.
how far have you gone: This one time at band camp... OH WAIT, it was a pet store.
how far do you want to go: In life? I wanna take over the world. In love? Well thats over rated.
last person you said i love you to: Gimme a couple hours to think about it... Oh wait I don't say those words.
1::: Any girl that can put up with me... I haven't found you yet.
2::: Myself: Cause I'm the best friend I can have.
3::: Laura: You'll help me bury a body... wether its dead or alive.
4::: Eric: Yeah good times... And a lot of drinking.
5::: Nick: You drink a lot, you smoke a lot, and you still watch wrestling.
6::: Mark: Cause you play more video games in a day then I can in a month.
7::: Serge: Dude your Serge.
8::: Andrew: Cause I've known you for freakin ever.
9::: Sam: You need to dye your hair not pink, it makes me want to do you...
10::: The other 5 million people that deserve this spot... It could be you.
1::: My car, Rufus Sr... You kicked ass.
2::: iPods... I loves the little iPods, I loves it good.
3::: Uber Hookah, Its really a tie between the first 3.
4::: Cell Phone, it connects me to the world.
5::: MacBook, you connect me to MySpace.
6::: PSP, I can kill things anywhere I go.
7::: Vitamin Water, It tase funny at first but you get used to it.
8::: Rufus Jr... May you up hold the legacy.
9::: Can I say my car, iPods, and Hookah again?
1::: Girls, their usually dumb.
2::: Kandy Kids come to mind when i think of stabbing things.
3::: Ricey Hondas, Cause you all suck.
4::: The RAZR, they just SUCK, get over it, yeah they really suck.
5::: Reality TV, die, just die.
6::: People that drive too slow, 95 in a work zone is not too fast.
7::: People that just suck at life.
8::: OK fine I just HATE people, for the most part, if your my friend then your don't count.
1::: My car, cause I pretty much live in it.
2::: iPod, cause its got all my 22,000 songs on it.
3::: My friends and family, suprising isn't it?
4::: Vitamin Water, I like it... what?
5::: Videogames, I got a boner for murder.
6::: MacBook, I couldn't get on MySpace with out it... Or download music.
7::: Girls, yes i know but then again I can't be gay.
1::: This is a test to see if you got this far...
2::: I'm
3::: Not
4::: Currently
5::: Wearing
6::: Clothes
1::: Just imagin this one.
2::: Really it takes up more than one box.
3::: OK so maybe it takes up 3 boxes.
4::: Oh yeah and it would be a girl.
5::: Not myself.
1::: This one time at band camp... OH WAIT, it was a pet store...
2::: That time I was really drunk...
3::: The 300 mile U-Turn...
4::: Wait did that really happen?
1::: iPod
2::: A large aquatic vessel.
3::: A girl that doesn't talk much.
1::: How many times do I have to say car and iPod?
2::: Money, thats a change.
1::: No one really, girls suck and I probably just saw my friends.
DiD Y0U...
like the survey: Sure killed off an hour of my life I'll never get back.
wish it were over 5 minutes ago: No cause I'd have to find another survey.
lie about anything: Not really actually.

I'd Like to Meet:
Really after a lot of thinking if I could meet anyone, I would have to say the people/person that discovered tobacco, weed, and other things you can smoke, why you might ask... because who the hell goes around picking various leaves off plants, lighting them on fire, then inhaling the smoke to see if there is some kind of effect associated with those said various leaves... really my whole reasoning behind it is just to ask them "WHAT THE FUCK MAN?"..

My Family

















I like all types of music, well almost all, I don't do to well with country and there might be a couple others that don't get along with me. I do know that "I See Right Through To You" by DJ Encore Feat. Engelina, is one of my top 5 favorite songs of all time though. But if you start looking through my play list though it does become a bit obvious that I've got a very broad, and very odd taste in music... And honestly I don't giva $#@% what you think about it.


I like movies... Oh no wait I like Taco Bell... Tell me what thats from and I'll give you something. Really though I do love movies, once again it's a very broad subject, I guess to name a few or a genre in and of itself... Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, The Rush Hour Trilogy, I'm ok with Star Wars, Resident Evil 1 and 2 (how did 3 suck soooo much), most movies having to do with martial arts, BaseketBall, Equilibrium, The Island, Anything decent and funny, Gone In 60 Seconds, Lord of War, Euro Trip, Sin City, and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Theres a ton more but I don't wanna list them and I bet you don't wanna read through them.


Okay I'm not going to lie I stopped watching TV because it pissed off, but I do however buy the seasons of the things I like to watch, those would be House, Family Guy, Weeds, The Boondocks, Shin Chan, Buffy The Vampire Slayer (yeah thats right), Sea Lab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Dark Angel (screw you if you don't agree with me, you suck anyways). Okay so for the first time in my life I have cable in my room, holy crap there's nothing on, really the only thing it's good for is watching re-runs of the shows i just listed... I'll stick to video games thank you very much.
VideogamesYeah thats right I play a lot of these things, why? Because some times you just don't wanna deal with going outside and being social... have a problem with that... then can I see you in my ready room? Okay so some of those games include but arn't limited to... Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XII, Devil May Cry 1, 3, and 4, Any Need for Speed game, Mega Man of any kind, Mario games like Super Mario World (with the exception of any Mario Party game), Dance Dance Revolution, Puzzley type games, old school PokeMon, anything Burnout, Resident Evil games, the whole Metal Gear series, Perfect Dark, The Sims, and stuff with lots of colors... Like Katamari. Can you tell what I do when i stay home?


I like to read, I just don't know what. I mean I don't think the toothpaste tube counts as a book but I read that. I sure as hell know that the stuff that I read... isn't a book. You know I was just thinking, what if you didn't know how to read? Like you lived 21+ years and you couldn't read, that would really suck. I mean think about that for a second... ok seconds up, like you couldn't get anywhere or find out what strange chemicals are in your food. Okay yeah I know this is a place to record what books you read, but I have a new idea for it, I'll write a book of my own here and you can read it... Alright I'm done.
Fun Quotes"DAMNIT MAN, where are your testes?!"
"Action Bastard says, put your mouth on a sausage"
"To be a man you have honor, honor and penis"
"Can I see you in my ready room?... EAT A DICK"
"$h!t just got real"
"Oh my God! Chewie ate Han!"
"Hey dad what are you doing you got my Bastard Bat all poopy"
"OMG that pig is on fire!"
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy any evidence you ever tried"
"Oh it's one fine day to be nude..."
"Fire bad, Tree pretty"
"Quit being a bitch and pill me up"
"That big black ones their leader... you know gives 'em chores and missions and stuff"
"Its Ginormous"
"S**t I be textin my a*s off, s**t b***hes like textin, I be textin 'em all the time, mattera fact I also be textin my weed man too, cause you know he don't like be on the phone, so I text 'em"


Ha Ha did you really think I was done? Anywho, I suppose my hero should be someone important, someone that's done something great for me, someone I look up to... or who ever can save me from myself. I haven't met that person that fit into these categories yet and I'd love to put someone's name here someday. Yeah, like heres an example of why I need saving, quiz thingy said I was 98% evil, things like that don't make me a bad person right? I mean it's just one of those blog quizy things, could it really be right? Could I really be that evil? Hey, I know figure out whats wrong with me other than the obvious and tell me how to fix it and maybe you can get you name placed here... that'd be kinda cool, right?!
My Quiz Thingys
Your Personality Profile
You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.
A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.
You Are 68% Gentleman
You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners.
Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices!
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament
Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.
It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.
At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.
You Are 64% Happy
You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.
Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.
You Are a Strawberry
You are friendly, outgoing, and well liked by many people.
You are popular, but there's nothing you ordinary or average about you.
You a very interesting person, and you have many facets to your personality.
Sometimes you feel very conflicted. Your different sides of your personality pull at you.
You are a very sensual and passionate person. You are fiery... you can't help it.
In general, you keep your passionate side under wraps. You are only wild in private.
Your Power Level is: 64%
You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.
Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.
You're a Wild Drunk
You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again!
What Your Sleeping Position Says
You are secretly sensitive, but you often put up a front.
Shy and private, you yearn for security.
You take relationships slowly.
You need lots of reassurances before you can trust.
You Are a Henna Gaijin!
You're not Japanese, but you wish you were!
You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you've memorized hundreds of Kanji.
You even answer your phone "moshi moshi."
While the number of anime videos you've seen is way higher than the number of dates you've been on, there's hope.
Play the sexy, mysterous gaijin, and you'll have plenty of Japanese meat.
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!
Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 52%
You have a decent shot at being a multimillionaire. Surprised?
You're confident and a hard worker. Keep it up!
How You Are In Love
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to give more than take in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.
You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.
Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!
Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.
You Are a Drama Queen (or King)
And the oscar goes to... you!
You're all about overreacting and just plain acting.
You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance.
And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times...
Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little.
(But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!)
Your Extroversion Profile:
Assertiveness: Very High
Excitement Seeking: High
Friendliness: High
Sociability: High
Cheerfulness: Medium
Activity Level: Very Low
You Are Elektra
There's really no superhero with more style than you.
Because who could beat being sexy assasin ninja?
You Always Hold a Grudge
If someone wrongs you, you aren't likely to forgive them. You figure they've showed their true colors.
You've been known to cut people out of your life pretty frequently. And maybe you've even sought revenge a couple times!
You Are 68% Brutally Honest
Most of the time, you tell it like it is. Even if it's hard for people to hear.
Sometimes you hold back though, because you never want your honesty to be hurtful.
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments
While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge.
In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead!
And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in.
Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.
You Are a Practical Gift Giver
Your gifts are useful, appropriate, and custom tailored to each person.
In your opinion, the best gifts are gifts that someone will actually use.
Your gifts may not be the most glamourous, but they are always appreciated.
You Are A Realistic Romantic
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!
You Have Good Karma
In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.
Your caring personality really shines through.
Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.
But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots.
You Are a Black and White Cookie
You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions.
When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked!
You Are 50% Normal
While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.
You'd like to your lover to think you are flexible and ready for anything!
You would be forced to break up with someone who was arrogant, acting like the dictator of your life.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.
You Are 66% Vain
You're a little vain, but you also work hard for your good looks.
Just remember, everyone knows you are a total hottie. You don't have to remind them.
You Are 53% Addicted to Blogthings
You're a Blogthings fiend - addicted but not totally dependent.
So what if you know your personality type by heart?
And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack...
There are people much worse off than you!
Your Taste in Music:
Dance: Highest Influence
90's Rock: High Influence
80's Alternative: Medium Influence
90's Alternative: Medium Influence
90's Hip Hop: Medium Influence
On Average, You Would Sell Out For
Your Theme Song is Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
"There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ship?s smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves."
You haven't been feeling a lot lately, and you think that's a good thing.
The comfortable part is nice... but you should really work on numb.
Your Aura is Yellow
You're a deeply happy and content person, and you enjoy sharing your cheer with others.
While you may seem like a simple optimist, there is a lot of thinking going on inside you.
The purpose of your life: bringing joy and a better life to others
Famous yellows include: Conan O'Brien, Jenny Mccarthy, Jim Carrey
Careers for you to try: Athlete, Actor, Yoga Instructor
Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 100%
Sloth: 100%
Wrath: 100%
Gluttony: 80%
Greed: 80%
Pride: 80%
Lust: 60%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 86%
You will die a boring death. While dying, you will be jealous of those who die dramatic deaths.
You Are Somewhat Mature
You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart.
While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later.
You Are 21 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
You Are 64% Angry
You're a pretty angry person, although you might not describe yourself that way.
But if you think about it, you probably feel annoyed, frustrated, and disappointed often.
All of the emotions above are classic signs of anger.
And if these angry feelings are controlling your life, you may need help.
You Are 98% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!
Your Brain is 87% Female, 13% Male
You have the brain of a girly girl
Which isn't a bad thing at all
You're emphatetic, caring, and in tune with emotions.
You're a good friend and give great advice.
Your EQ is 93
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You say whatever is on your mind. Other people's reactions don't phase you.
You're open to new people and friends, which makes you a pretty popular person.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.
You Should Drive a Lamborghini
A true daredevil, you're always in search of a new rush. Clearly, you're a total speed demon... just don't get caught!
You Should Drive a Ford Shelby Mustang Cobra
You have an extreme need for speed, even when you're not in a hurry.
And while your flying by, you don't want to look like every other car on the road!
Your Greed Quotient: 62%
You're definitely a greedy person, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to keep what's yours.
You are a bit spoiled and demanding at times - make sure to give a little back to those who are generous with you!
Your Luck Quotient: 57%
You have an average luck quotient.
There's been times when you've been extremely lucky... but also times when you've been very unlucky.
You probably know that you can make your own luck in life, if you're open to it.
So listen to your intuition as much as you can. It's right more often than you might expect.
Your Lucky Underwear is Blue
You are caring and extroverted. You've made relationships your number one focus, and your lucky blue underwear can bring some balance to them.
You thrive in one-on-one situations. You are a good listener and a natural born therapist.
Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry.
If you want more balance, put on your blue underpants. They'll help you take care of yourself first.
Whats on your subconcious Mind?
Your subconcious is focused on LOVE You have a great deal of love and confidence to spread around the world. You probobly have a big heart, and are pretty outgoing, your a good balance of fun and laid back. your an optimist and always focus on whats better for others before yourself. But you dont have to worry cuz you seem to have a great deal of love for yourself as well, which is a great quality to have, never lower your standards for anyone and keep up the good work!
Teen Myspace Quiz
Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"
You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)
Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic
What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays
Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble
You Communicate With Your Ears
You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.
You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
Your Power Color Is Gold
At Your Highest:
You are engrossed in passions that mentally stimulate you.
At Your Lowest:
You seek thrills and neglect what's important in your life.
In Love:
You see dating as adventure and approach it with an open attitude.
How You're Attractive:
You passion for life makes others passionate about you.
Your Eternal Question:
"Am I Having Fun?"
You Are 55% Selfish
You are quite balanced. You are able to compromise when it's in the best interests of those involved.
But you're no pushover. If something is important to you, you'll get it!
Your True Love Is an Aries
Why you'll love an Aries:
An Aries has the red-hot seduction skills to woo you
Never boring, an Aries will give you the romantic challenge you crave!
Why an Aries will love you:
You have the intensity and energy to go head to head with your Aries...
And the undying passion to keep an Aries coming back for more.
You Are Mr. Burns
Okay, so you're evil...
You have big plans to rule the world, and you'll destroy it in the process if necessary!
You will be remembered for: the exploitation of the masses
Life philosophy: "One dollar for eternal happiness? I'd be happier with the dollar."
Your IQ Is 110
Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
Your Personality Is Like Ecstasy
You're usually feeling the love for the world around you - you want to hug everyone.
And while you're usually content to sit back and view the world with wonder...
Sometimes you're world becomes very overwhelming and a little scary.
Your Animal Personality
Your Power Animal: Deer
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Panda
You are a fun-seeker - an adventurous, risk-taker.
While you are spontaneous, you are not very rational.
You Are A Sometimes Ex
You're sometimes an ex, and sometimes you two are back together
And while your ex may seem like old news right now...
You've got to wonder why you keep getting sucked back in
You Have A Type A Personality
You Have A Type A Personality
You are hyper, energetic, and always on the mood
You tend to succeed at everything you attempt
And if you don't succeed at first, you quickly climb your way to the top!
You could be called a workaholic, but you also make time for fun
As long as it's high energy and competitive, you're interested
You have the perfect personality for business and atheltic success Which Endless are you?</span&amp;

My Blog

alone i fight, because together you will fall

over the past few weeks i've had a lot of time to think about who i am, and i've come to a conclusion on several occasions about whats important to me and who i want to be. when i think about who i ha...
Posted by Yoshii on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 03:53:00 PST

self revelation is like the girls i go after... their both a bitch in the end.

so as i was driving around today and failing at what i had set out to do for the day, i started looking around me, and you know what i saw... everything that i don't have. and there was one instance i...
Posted by Yoshii on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 03:41:00 PST

going going gone... again

as some of you may have noticed i came back for a bit... and after careful consideration i have decided that maybe its time i go back to my hole. honestly life much easier when i dont have to worry ab...
Posted by Yoshii on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:58:00 PST

did ya miss me...

so in the past week i went from having a job to being unemployed again, having a quiet life without interruption, getting dumped once again by the same person, and being able to say i was completely u...
Posted by Yoshii on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:39:00 PST

i aint a fuckin lap dog...

i think the title pretty much explains everything, but its a bit hazy in some areas... so lemme just break it down. i'm fuckin tired of being the "gay friend, thats not really gay", its fuckin bullshi...
Posted by Yoshii on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:34:00 PST

Karmas a bitch named Irony...

so you know i've really been thinking and looking back at the things that are reoccuring themes in my life... and you know i've kinda got it down now. mainly the whole bad luck with girls... and i've ...
Posted by Yoshii on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 11:59:00 PST

thats the last time i watch movies like this...

ok so i woke up and the dvr thing was recording a movie for my mom, and you know what it taught me... girls are very evil things, and far be it from them to know what they actually want.
Posted by Yoshii on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:07:00 PST

and know i wont make it out alive...

so its kinda common knowledge to the people that really know me, that yeah i hate my ex... but i still care about her well being. everyone that also calls themselves my friends, knows that if you fuck...
Posted by Yoshii on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 04:19:00 PST

i solo life...

i fight alone...i get by alone...i work my shit out alone...but i didnt choose to be alone...that doesn't really matter though...because i will still stand alone...stronger, smarter, and better then m...
Posted by Yoshii on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 03:20:00 PST

it was funny at first...

granted i know still care, but i care more about my well being for once, then hers. and knowing the way things thing have been, and the way thing always seem to go pertaining to this matter, i'm doing...
Posted by Yoshii on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:28:00 PST