I am a 29 year old young man full of ambition, passion, and creativity given by God. I love everything about music. I have been playing and studying music since the age of three. I can play a variety of music styles. I do play by ear as well as sight read. I'm continuously studying and practicing all of my basics to make myself a truly complete musician. I've got to study to show myself approved!!! I currently teach piano to beginner and intermediate students from my home. I am in the process of turning this into my business full time, NuChordz Music. The motto of NuChordz Music is "Developing tomorrow's musicians today!" To me, it's important to provide anyone that has desire, ability, or both, with the necessary tools to be successful in THEIR OWN EYES. Currently I am accepting students for the summer and fall months. Please contact me for more information.I come from a very musical family and hope to take things to the next level. I know that part of my purpose on this earth is to play, sing, teach, and arrange music.On the other side, I am a working musician. Playing at my church, Triumph Christian Center in Farrell, PA is one of the many ways I stay busy. I also play for weddings, funerals, banquets, or any special event. As a church musician, often times you are called upon to help others in worship and praise to God, but for me my playing exemplifies my praise and worship. It is where I can release all my stress and cares and receive the level of peace needed for my situation.Now I am in the wonderful mode of using the creativity God has given me to help others as well as myself. I'm learning about the production side of things now and I hope to have my own production company real soon.Below is some music that I arranged for different people. The first video below is for a friend of mine, Annie Holmes. An original song written by Annie that I put the music to and arranged background vocals for. I'm ..s, and my boys from Drum.Key Productions are helping me out. Rob on Bass and Juan on Drums. Let me know what you think. More to come real soon.Annie Holmes - "Hear You"
Add to My Profile | More VideosThis video is for my boy Cliff. An original song by Cliff - words and melody; I again put the music to and arranged background vocals for it. My boy Juan S. on Drums. We doing it old skool style, piano, drums, and hand claps!!Cliff Holmes & Co. - Worship the King
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