The Ben profile picture

The Ben

Why try to stay sober, when it feels like i am dying inside

About Me

Im born an raised in Salem oregon, i hate it but i love it too....most of my time goes to fucking partyin and doing stuff that i shouldnt be doin.......
Myspace Backgrounds

a survey about everything (179 ?'s)
Name?: Ben Buring
Age?: 18
Race?: german
Hair Color?: brown
Height?: 6'0
Weight?: 215
Do you wear glasses or contacts?: no
Short or long hair?: short
Eye Colore?: green
Do you have any birthmarks?: nope
Where are they?: n/a
Shoe size?: 12
Shirt size?: med/lar
Whens your birthday?: jan 17 89
Genre?: rock/metal
Band?: Bullet for my valentine
Singer?: kurt cobain
Song?: tears dont fall
Worst band?: primus
Worst singer?: bono
A genre of music you wish was gone?: country
A singer or band you wish would die?: fall out boy
Your definition in one word of how music makes you feel?: undescribable
Hottest singer?: the chick from In This Moment
This or That... Music
Brittany Spears or Christina Agulara: nether
ICP or Korn: korn! i hate ICP
Korn or Slipknot: slipknot
Slipknot or Chris Brown: again slipknot
Twiztid or Nickleback: nickelback
Trapt or All American Rejects: trapt
3 doors down or 3 days grace: 3 doors down
Snoop dogg or Bow Wow: snopp D
Sublime or The used: sublime
Bob Marley or Alien Ant Farm: bobby
Food?: sweet and sour chicken
Soda: mt dewski
Candy?: dont really like candy
Juice?: grape
Chips?: salt and vinger
Clothing Brand?: quicksliver
Shoe Brand?: lakia
Jewelry Acessory?: hemp necklace
Book?: n/a
School Subject: cars/ weight training
Opposite Sex
What should their hair color be?: blonde
Eye Color?: blue
Shoe Size?: 8?
Their personal label?(punk, rock, ganster): hot
Do they treat you right?: sure
Do they have piercings?: yeah
Tattoos?: hopfully
Own a cell phone?: i guess
Trust worthy?: yeah
How often will they call you?: at least once a day
Your Thoughts on....
piercings?: love them
tattoos?: awsome
smoking cigarettes?: dont like it to much
smoking marijuana?: im down
drinking?: makes things easier for
self mutilation?: not too hot
personal labeling?: whatever
cursing?: dont really care
saying gods name in vain?: so what.....
god?: i belive as long as you stirive to be a good person and know that there s a higher power
religion?: read above this
10 friends
1.: Cory E
2.: Joe s
3.: dak h
4.: chris b
5.: alex p
6.: colin e
7.: nick
8.: gage
9.: james
10.: tank
9 favorite songs
1.: come as you are - nirvana
2.: talk show on mute - incubus
3.: tears dont fall - bullet for my valentine
4.: rapture- hurt
5.: perfect drug - nine inch nails
6.: werewolf - ever time i die
7.: milk lizard - the dillinger escape plan
8.: scream - avenged sevenfold
9.: becoming the bull - atreyu
8 least favorite songs
1.: fall out boy
2.: panic at the disco
3.: moby
4.: most rap songs suck
5.: i hate country
6.: and poka
7.: and techno
8.: and fuckin classic rock
7 things you can't live without
1.: pot
2.: water
3.: air
4.: hot girls
5.: my friends
6.: my parents
7.: and the earth
6 favorite things to eat
1.: sweet and sour chicken
2.: tacos
3.: luckey charms
4.: pussy
5 favorite celebs.
1.: jonny depp
2.: jay and
3.: slient bob
4.: cheech and chong
5.: and the kottonmouth kings
4 reasons you like being you
1.: tall
2.: smart
3.: funny
4.: strong
3 reasons you hate being you
1.: im big
2 of the best nights of your life
1.: this party i was at with colin...i took 7. E tabs!!
2.: the first time i did E
Your most favorite person in the world
1.: right now.................?
night of your life?: ???? too many
Friend?: Cory e
School Function?: smoking pot behind the school
Music Video ever made?: KMK king klick
TV show?: UFC
Movie?: 300
Top 10 movies you love
1.: 300
2.: troy
3.: black hawk down
4.: saving private ryan
5.: jay and silent bob
6.: grandmas boy
7.: waiting
8.: dogma
9.: cleaks
10.: idol hand
Do you own a...
dvd player?: yea
portable cd player?: no
portable dvd player?: no
mp3 player?: ipod
photo album?: no
calender?: no
cell phone?: yea
drawing book?: yea
yearbook from last year?: no
tv?: yea
Have you had sex before?: yea
Do you ever want to get married?: sure
Have children?: problay
Rather have a diamond ring or a good time?: good time
How old will you be when you graduate high school, if you haven't yet?: i have
Do you want to go to college?: no
What do you want to do for a career?: muscian
Are you able to talk to your family about personal things?: sure
Have you ever done drugs?: yes
Drank?: yes
Do you have any piercings?: 5
Tattoos?: 7
Did you like this Survey?: its koo
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Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Singing/playing guitar, writing songs...........i love music more then anything ...its my reason for being here and i hope i can make a big influnence on the next gen

Desktop Tower Defense

I'd like to meet:

Whoever, just hit me up.


Foo fighters
Three Days Grace
jack johnson
The Smashing Pumpkins
Bullet For My Valentine

Alice in Chains/Candle box/seether/papa roach/Megadeth/Creed/Soundgarden/Motley crue/Incubus/Kotton Mouth Kings/311/Red Hot Chillie peppers/ atreyu/ bullet for my valentine centerTake the quiz:
Which guitar are you

Fender Jag-Stang
You are the Fender Jag-Stang. You are the guitar of grungey but still rock and rollish guitarists. Really, anyone can work a jag-stang who wants to. Thanks Kurt Cobain.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which Rock Star Is Most Like You?

Kurt Cobain
Your A Great Man, I Bow At Your Feet...Too Bad Your Dead By The Time Your Band Finally Makes A Revolution

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Black hawk down, Blow, Jay and silent Bob strike back.waiting, supertroopers and all thoses broken lizard fest!!!!


NBA.Dallas Mavericks. The Blazers. The history channel rocks!... oh and nip/tuck.


fuck readind i have better stuff to do!!


Kurt cobain/David grohl(Nirvana)

My Blog

R.i.P Alex Blanco

not much too say but your in are thoughts bro......he was a really good guy and didnt deserve it.................peace out Bro...........this shit sucks!!!
Posted by The Ben on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:01:00 PST

Do i know you?

If i do add a comment to this saying the most fond memorie of me.........
Posted by The Ben on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:23:00 PST