I am interested in Badger Baiting, Swan Shooting, Whaling, The Ivory Trade, Naked Bare Fist Fighting, Streetfighting, Hobblings, Going to Public Hangings (doing my bit for the atmos) and Golf.I enjoy Roasting too, nothing better then having a nice night out on the town followed by a rollocking good roasting session. It;s a great way to meet new people and really break the ice! Me and the gentlemen enjoy Roasting so much it's not unknown for us to partake in a sunday roast!
Chris Hansen
I am very passionate about music as alot of people are. My favorite band is Jason Donovan!
I have never committed beastiality! These nasty and completely unfounded allegations will be fought till the very end!
Yeah I've got an 1988 14-inch Alba Bronco, lovely walnutt finish, lovely it is. I can't turn it on though because it's licencelessness will get detected.
My Struggle by Anne Frank
OJ Simpson and other greats