If this were a perfect world and everyone was still around i would like to meet: Antoine de Saint Exupery, Amelia Earhart, Richard Bach, Isadora Duncan,Edgar Allen Poe,Miles Davis, Akhnaten,Ayn Rand,Chief Joeseph of the Nez Perce, ,John Paul Sarte,Ernesto Guevara (my hero),Lance Armstrong or anyone who rides in the tour de france,Zelda Fitzgerald, ezra pound, e.e. cummings(it's spring and). I'd also like to meet people who are compassionate towards the needy and the oppressed. People who stand up for what they believe in and don't back down. People who get in the trenches and go to soup kitchens and help feed the hungry. Activists who get involved in writing letters to congressmen and senators to try to change the way our world is going, People who are involved with Drs.w/out borders and Amnesty International.