VintageFX is dedicated to providing musicians with an interest in getting vintage sounds from a quality pedal, without having to shell out a small fortune that vintage gear seems to go for these days.
Each & every pedal is hand made in the USA, by myself from the ground up. When possible I use the highest quality components to ensure a finished product that should last you many years. Use of 3PDT switches enables VFX pedals to incorporate “True Bypassâ€, which means that when the pedal is off, there is ZERO degradation or change in the signal from your instrument. Machined aluminum knobs are standard, so there is no chipping or cracking like plastic knobs sometimes do. My pedals are housed in a sturdy Hammond 1590BB enclosure that has also proven itself as the standard in the industry as far as solid construction etc.I play and test every single pedal I sell, if I’m not happy with it, it doesn’t go out.
Check out some of VFX's Models in my pictures section &
visit for more pictures & sound clips.