swEEt aNd mALambiNg peRson, hAs woNderfUL & exPreSSive eyEs, anD haS a grEat deaL of resPect foR womeN,,.
a gUy hU haS seNse of hUmoR,, opeN miNdEd, sWeeT aNd mALambing, inDependent,, reSpOnsiBle ol da tyM,, kNows 2 haNdLe hiS diFFicultiEs,,..
aNythinG dAt goEs my eMotiOns fLow,, obViouSLy Luv songs or eVen AcousTic,,. i aLso luV r&b anD pOp music,,...
i don't haVe enoUgh tyM 2 wAtch mOvies, bUt wEn i get Tired i uSed 2 watch,, mAh type oF moVieS i lyK is mOre on iMpossiBLe tHiNgs Dat cUd haPPen, lYk in dA movie "tHe dAy aFter tomorrow", or eVen in dEEp iMpact,,. i also luV waTchIng moVies aBout twinS,,
i don't rEaD bOOkS,, cOz i Luv rEaDinG mAgAziNes,,..