"Mother Nature" profile picture

"Mother Nature"

Today is the best day ever!

About Me

People call me mother nature, i'll leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions. :0)

My Interests

Come on it's Simple:....Don't use plastic bags, bring your own bags to the grocery store-plastic takes hundreds of years to break down......Use compact florecent light bulbs-they use less energy and are cheaper for your electric bill!.......CARPOOL, ride the bus, bike, skate- creates less carbon dioxide in our air.......Open a window-use less AC cut down on energy............Recycle clothes, make clothes :0)...........Pay bills online, write emails instead of letters-save trees!..........Check your tires-makes your car run better and sends less carbon dioxide into the air...............Bamboo fence!-it's alive more oxygen and you are saving trees(plus it looks bitchen).........Turn off lights, computer, extra...-save energy.......... Ask for tinfoil instead of styrofoam it never biodegrades!!!..........Plant a garden.........Plant some trees ;0)..............


"Life , Life without music I can't go" Steel Pulse