I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia shortly after high school... The pain is always there but varies in severity. Some days it's unbearable... I really hope that the continued awareness brings about medicines that effectively treat and possibly cure this disease.
Mike's still working. Yay! We're hoping the grant for Job for Ohio Graduates gets renewed so he has a job in the future.
I'm schooling all 4 kids. I just added the youngest two to my roster. We're learning ABC's and 123's. Keeping up with everything has certainly been challenging. Somedays I feel quite overwhelmed.
Currently I'm reading a great book called Pagan Christianity that discusses how many of the traditional evangelical worship practices of today were adopted from Pagan practices. This was a conclusion I had already come to on my own after studying world history with my kids but it's nice to hear it from someone else to know that I'm not insane. When we are studying history from the beginning of recorded time until now, it strikes me how ignorant we as Americans are of where we came from. We are so arrogant to think that how life is, is how it always was. Empires and Denominations, or sects of religion rise and fall. It's historical fact. I think it is awesome how the message of love that Jesus came to convey just keeps going on despite man's desire to take control of it and warp it to his own desires. I think it is cool how God always finds a way to get his message across. Anyway, I highly recommend this book if anything, it makes a person more aware of church history and where or traditions came from.
I love coffee, dark chocolate, friends and family crammed in my house, super heros (I'm married to Superman), sunshine coming through the windows, reading to my kids, playing cards and board games until the wee hours of the night, watching my kids dance to the radio and witnessing their sweet moments of mental growth. I love God my creator and I'm thankful for the family He created for me.
Ingrid Michaelson BE OK
Paul Dazet is going to be OK! His cancer has gone into remission!!!! Yay!