Nature,Nascar,friends,photography,writing,poetry,paintball,b odybuilding,sight seeing,traveling, weight lifting, talking, chatting.
right now the Grim Reaper
Devil Driver,Metalica,Creed,Flyleaf,Evanescence,Hatebreed,POD,Pudd le Of Mud,Etc.
Have watched probably thousands of movies over the last 14 years. To pick a favorite would be hard.
Soprano's, Lost, Biggest Loser, Serenity, Smallville, most of my television i catch up on at Block Buster, where i rent an entire series and watch it over a weeks time, i know i know cheating, but who has the time anymore to keep track of all the shows on when I need to be asleep by 8pm to be awake to get ready for work at 2am.
Walk In The Woods, Muscular Developement, Bible, Thesaurus, dictionary, The Secret
I had heroes........and everyone of them turned into the villian of my story. So i no longer idolize anyone. And maybe there is where i went wrong. Putting people on pedestals now that would be a story.