I decided its time for an update cause u know what i had was pretty old and doesnt really make sense. Some people call me the space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love, not really though most call me ferrington or fez, on occasion theres the fin and ferry. Anyway im really into film making and stuff like that. Ive made an attempt at making a tv show which is very ongoing and pissing me off. People sometimes ask me if i can help them out with something in that area so i decided to give it a try and i ended up getting bored with it, im trying not to make that a habit. Music is pretty cool, i like it and it fits into my daily life quite well. I have a shit job delivering pizza but i need the money so i shouldnt really complain too much. For those who do end up reading this u must go visit MSG and leave them comments a plenty about their awesomeness. Fin.