=Terre= profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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im a Kick Ass Gurl!@$@$!@ I luv TAiwanese DUde XIAO tIaN iTs gNa buRn 4mE tO sAy tHs bT iTs cUmN fRm mY HeaRt iTs bIn a LoNg tYm cUmN bT wE doNe bIn feL apaRt.. riLy wNa wRk tHs oUt bT I dNt tHiNk uR gNa cHaNge dNt U tHiNk iTs beSt wE gO R sepRatE wAys.. teL mE Y i shUd stAy n tHs rLatioNsHp wEn iM HuRtn BaBy, I aiNt haPPy BaBy pLuS tHrS sO mNy otHr thNgS I goTa dEaL WitH I tHiNk tHt U shUd lEt iT BURN...wEn uR fiLn aiNt d sYm & uR BoDy dNt wNt tO bT U kNw goTa lEt iT gO cZ D'paRty aiNt jUmpN lYk iT usEd tO eVn tHo tHs mYt rUiN U lEt iT BuRn, lEt iT BuRn, goTTa lEt iT BuRn dIp dOwN U kNw iTs BeSt fOr uRseLf bUt U haTe tHe thOt oF hEr bEiN wiTh sUmoNe eLs bUt U kNw tHt iTs ovEr wE kNw tHt iTs tHrU lEt iT BuRn, lEt iT BuRn, goTTa lEt iT BuRniM tWiStD cZ 1 sYd oF mE iS teLLn mE tHt i nId tO mOvE oN, oN tHe otHr sYd I wNa bRyk doWn & cRy.. sO mNy daYs, sO mNy hRs iM sTiL buRniN tiL U rtUrN.._0000000___0000000___000000__000___0000 _00___00__00_____00_00____00_000__000__ _000000___00_____00_00_______0000000___ _00___00__00_____00_00____00_000__000__ _00___00___0000000___000000__000___0000 _______________________________________ _____0000000000__0000____00000_____000_ ____000______000_00000___00000_____000_ ____000______000_000_00__00000_____000_ ____000______000_000_000_00000_____000_ ____000______000_000__00000000_____000_ ____000______000_000___0000000_________ _____0000000000__000___0000000_____000_ ___00000_____________________00000_____ __0000000___________________0000000____ __0000000___________________0000000____ __0000000___________________0000000____ __0000000___________________0000000____ __0000000___________________0000000____ __0000000_00000000_00000000_0000000____ __0000000_00000000_00000000_0000000____ __0000000_00000000_00000000_0000000____ __0000000_00000000_00000000_0000000____ __0000000_000000_______________________ __0000000000000__0000000000000000000___ __000000000000__000000000000000000000__ __0000000000__00000000000000000000000__ __000000000__0000000000000000000000000_ ____00000000000000000__00000000000000__ _____0000000000000000_00000000000000___ _____0000000000000000_00000000000000

My Interests

Music , Dishes, Malling,Ragnarok and other online gaming, Travelling!@nyerf!!

I'd like to meet:

all sorts of people whom i could learn a thing or two

Stacie Orrico


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alternative Pop rock

Stacie Orrico


Ocean's eleven,matrix,LOTR trilogy,Serendipity


Meteor Garden


all Christopher Pike Books, Clive Barker's books


XIAO TiaN, NElson MAndeLA, MY poPOring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!