Graham profile picture



About Me

I'm open minded and I like to learn about ways of life and ways of thinking. Some people ask, "Do you like to live in the mountains or by the sea?" It's a question worth asking. I've never stayed in cityscapes for long, and I avoid shopping in Morrisons on a Saturday afternoon

My Interests

Sleeping, sometimes with one eye open; working in the open air with my shirt off; reading and listening to jazz, listening to people talk of events in their lives

I'd like to meet:

Beat Takeshi, Rie Lambdoll, Banana Yoshimoto, the spirit of the Iranian poet Ahmad Shamlu, Shadafarin Ghadirian, Maryam Salur, all the members of Greenpeace and any genuine person on myspace who hasn't pimped their page with an excess of html code


All kinds: honest music from any country or culture and sometimes dishonest music that captivates by accident!! The greats for me are John Coltrane, Roland Kirk, King Oliver and Leadbelly ... some musicians whose music i like to listen to now are Diana Krall, Keith Jarrett, Rie Lambdoll and Ebi and there are many others too numerous to mention ...


The three versions of The 39 Steps, Sonatine directed by Beat Takeshi, Ikiru directed by Kurosawa


No, thank you


Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoievsky, Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto, Paroles by Jacques Prevert, all of Shakespeare's plays, Five on Kirrin Island by Enid Blyton, The Castle by Kafka, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, and the autobiography of Sydney Bechet


Lady Gomme, Albert Einstein, my grandfather

My Blog

We Never Learn From History

Thanks to the BBC for supplying the informaton for the following story.Today Wednesday, 19 December 2007, I read that a copy of the Magna Carta has been sold for £10,600,000 in an auction at Sotheby's...
Posted by Graham on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:02:00 PST