My green, Playing with fire, dancin with Fire, Entertaining with fire, Im hot bytch!! in all ways. I LOVE..... Nice and Sympathetic peoples. A person that has belief in me and that has my back, that also has some faith in me it do not have to be much faith please have some for me and a lot of respect.. that is what I need when I thought I had it.Incense, Candles, Scented Candles, Bath Salts, Oil/ Body oils, good positive and Happy people(s), Ima tryier Im a real persistant being happy chillen 4.20.present year..forever that is, lol. jus being and doing me I make myself happy, because no one else is, or no more :(
People, thats not boring or old and boring shyt I had enouh of that lol... or those that are alike myself, someone entertaining, not into hurting others, chillen having a good time with good peeps or groups of peoples im Open
My own Heart beat, and my rythm om my life, foot steps and the final rythm of an Advanced life = Todo Musico ....Reaggae, Reagaeton, Some Jazz, Salsa, Merengue, Tengo Latin Jazz, Rap Hip Hop and R&B lol ( ) Classical Baltimores Own Club Mix..Im totally opened minded to all sorts of music if I like it then you know its music to my ears.
Awww man there is all so many. Hay muchos.
Mostly anything. Hay Muchos.
Many, and any.. I will read just about anything. Muchos livros
Yo, porque todo tengo ahora = I, because I am all that I have left now, Other people are mood nockers, will talk to you like your helpless and always say that you are in the way of things. I depend 100,000% on myself now Fuk all else