Yoga, Knitting, Crochet, crossword puzzles, gardening, especially wild flowers,snow skiing, I own an 18 speed mountain bike, and I enjoy the live music scene.
Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, John Prine, Iris Dement, The Beatles, Tom Hall, The Flying Mules, Geyer Street Sheiks, Emmylou Harris, Lucinda Williams, Pink Floyd, Traveling Wilbury's, Supertramp, The White Stripes, Stevie Wonder, Bonnie Raitt, The Eagles, Mississippi John Hurt, The Flaming Lips, and so many others it makes my brain hurt.
Annie Hall, The Spanish Prisoner, Shawshank Redemption
Soprano's, 24, Friends, Bill Maher, Tuder's, Weed's
Anything by Kurt Vonnegut, The Four Agreements, The Vampire Chronicles, Undaunted Courage, House of Sand and Fog
Ghandi, "an eye for an eye causes blindness" John Lennon and all those who strive for peace