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†♡† ÇHÄÐ †♡† ¢[:

About Me

Young but smart, classy but sexy follows trends but with a unique twist on whatever it is. I like the person that I am, hopefully others do too. I'm Goal-orientated and extremely affectionate. Calm, Laid Back And Easy To Get Along With. My aspirations in life are very high, but one of the many things that separate me from the millions upon millions of people in this world is my heart and determination to make what I have into what I want. I was born to be on top, born to call shots. I've got charisma when I'm happy and I'm cynical when I'm not. Never would I change myself for anyone on this planet, I won’t regret this way I chose for myself. I'm a sucker for all the cute stuff, like kisses and cuddles and lots of snuggles.I walk out of boredom just in undies and boxers through the streets on hot summer days. I love getting tan, so I always carry sun block with me. No problems with whispers and stares, I hold myself up and smile to myself. Nudity is a comfort to me. I believe I can make something of myself in the future.
If you give me a chance to talk to you, ill promise to make you cry your eyes out of laughter by my hysterical jokes. I'm a total Sweetheart. Trust me, my charm can wrap you around my finger in an instant.
Music is something i appreciate if my ears like it. I'll jam it. Don’t be another idiot who listens to one Style/Genre of music. open your mind, expand your horizons.
I like to attract the eyes of a certain audience and to leave a person in awe. I’m Not perfect, and Nor do i try to be...Im just myself, Maybe that’s not good enough for some people...But being happy with yourself is possibly one of the best feelings in the world :) Besides Perfect Gets Boring after awhile.

felonyinmypants9 [email protected] [email protected]

ha, don't give out my number unless you're really cool, funny or hot ;]

FACEBOOK: ask me to add you. Yeah, I know many of you know my name and my school, but I don't want a million friends on facebook so I just add people from my school. But, I guess I can add some of you, so ask nicely!

Ask me for my stickam.


alright, so these are the questions i get asked most often, or atleast the ones i feel like answering on here ;), so i am putting them on here so i don't have to answer them a million times or just read it to find out a little more about me.
(1) your hot, do you have a gf?
nope, currently single, so holler.
i don't usually date unless i know it will last. i've only had 3 gfs - two for 2 years and one for 3 years.. =]
(2) what part of cali you from?
i live in bel air, ca. it's about 45 mins northwest of la. my parents also own a beach house in fl and a condo in ny. i am usually in fl during christmas time - my grandparents and a lot of other family lives there. and i spend a few weeks during the summer in new york.
(3) do you have nudes?
yeah, who doesn't =x
(4) what is your phone number?
obviously not going to type it out here. just talk to me first, if your cool than i'll give it to you =)
(5) will you support/whore me?
get a life.
(6) what is your beauty secret? do you wear makeup?
no on the makeup. i spend maybe 10 mins getting dressed. i don't use anything on my face except sun screen, so i guess i don't have a beauty secert. i guess its just good genes.
(7) are you straight/bi/gay?
(8) do you model? you should be a model.
yeah, use to do a little modeling. was probably best known my abercrombie shoots in 2006 and crest toothpaste comerical. i never really took modeling seriously. modeling is a small industry for guys. and very few models can actually make a living modeling. the only people i consider models are the people that can retire doing just modeling. and only victoria secrets models make enough to where they don't need second jobs after they get old. and last time i checked they don't hire guys. but if they did, i'd definitely rock some boxers down a runway haha.
(9) so your a senior in high school, where you going to college?
i decided i am getting out of cali. i love it here, but i spent most of my live here, so i just want to get out and go somewhere else for a few years and if i don't like it, i can always come back. i applied to duke (nc), columbia (ny), cornell (ny), stanford (ca) and john hopkins (md). i think i have a pretty good shot at getting into all of them, my sats scores and gpa is higher than their averages and i have a lot of leadership, student body and outside school activities. duke is my first choice though, both of my parents attended the school.
(10) i messaged you on your screen name and you never reply, why?
ok, i get a lot of messages when i sign on. aim is especially bad, i'll get 40-60 ims within a minute of signing on. obviously i can't talk to everyone. if i don't reply to you, i am really sorry, i didn't mean to.. just send me a mean comment on here about how i ignored and i'll probably feel bad and comment your pics or something ;)
(11) do you meet people off myspace?
yeah. well i am not coming to your house nor am i giving you my address. but some times when i go to the beach or to a club, i'll usually just post it in a bulletin like, i am going to so and so tonight.
(12) why do you a second myspace profile? why won't you add me there or on facebook?
just to keep close friends at one spot. my other myspace, i just add people i know, and my facebook i add people i know or anyone at my school. it just helps finding your friends. and you can check their status, like if they are lonely i'll go cuddle with them and if they are horny we'll do other things ;) haha, oh and like a month ago i changed my number, so i just posted it on my other myspace as a bulletin, and didn't have to worry about it getting out, just stuff like that it helps with.
(13) so when do you turn 18?
April 20th! haha, can't wait. besides getting wasted, i am going to be a porn star. then retire the next day haha. i decide i'm going to get like two masks than make a sex tape doing it in every public place imangianbe than post it on the internet, haha. so if you see sponge bob and dortha the explorer getting it on, you'll know who it is ;x the only thing i need are masks and a girl, if you can help with either, hit me up!
(14) your really tan, how?
i am usually always outside. i surf all the time. lot of my time is spent in the beach. i don't fake tan. well i do have a tanning bed in my house, but i don't ever use it. well sometimes i tan naed in there so i don't have tan lines. cause we all know what happens if you surf naked in malibu. and if you don't know, it's 18 hours of community service for the first time, and they add 10 hours for each editional time. and after you pass 48 hours, they send you to jail for 3 days! (trust me, i know =x)
(15) is it true you got your dick periced?
yeah. me and 3 of my closest friends. it was something we did during spring break. i don't remember the night, i just remember some guy asking us something like ''want to do something that you guys will never forget?" and i was thinking getting cancun '08 tattooed on the bottom of our feet, ha. and if there was a 16th question, i already know what it's going to be...did it hurt? and honestly, i don't remember any of it. i just remember being wasted that night and even that morning. so no, it didn't hurt. and yeah it's a 4ct. diamond =] i don't usually wear it, it feels werid. but my ex gf loved it and would always ask me to put it on, haha.

RIP Jenna Bennett. WATCH VIDEOS OF MEEEE !! GO TO MY YOUTUBE !!!!!!!!!!!!

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