Dragonkings is a drag king-group from Malmö, Sweden. We started up in spring 2006 with our boybandshow, which we have performed with in several cities here in Sweden. Everywere we have performed the show has got lots of positive responses, and lots of attention from media. Now time is changing, four members have become three, and the show is now expanding with more expressions within drag. This makes it more flexible and suitable for large festival stages as well as small club stages. All members of the group have education in theatre and pedagogics and therefore we also offer the possibility to organize drag king-workshops with us.
“To be in drag†is for us to find new expressions and to break the illusion that our sex is deciding which qualities you have or not have. We think it has a political meaning to be a drag king and that it’s very important to us.
With our show we want the audience to have fun and make a lot of noise. Our show is sexy, eccentric and full of energy!
Lady’s and gentlemen - let me present to you – The Dragonkings!
Peoples comments of the Dragonkings:
-â€You were really great! It was comic, selv-ironic, fun - and finally, very “freshâ€. Thank you so much for being original!â€
-â€The best Dragking-performance I’ve ever seen!â€
-â€Thank you for making me laugh. I love your boyband, the leather gay-man and the hip hopers. You are the best!â€
Dragonkings är en dragking-grupp med sitt säte i Malmö. Vi startade vÃ¥ren -06 med vÃ¥r pojkbands-show som vi har fÃ¥tt mycket positiv respons pÃ¥ överallt vi uppträtt. Nu utökar vi showen med nya uttryck inom drag. Detta gör att showen blir än mer flexibel och fungerar pÃ¥ sÃ¥väl smÃ¥ klubbscener som större festivalscener. Eftersom vi är utbildade dramapedagoger finns ocksÃ¥ möjlighet att arrangera dragking-workshops, mer information om detta finner du under länken workshops. Att â€draga†innebär för oss att hitta nya uttryck samt att slÃ¥ hÃ¥l pÃ¥ illusionen om könsbestämda egenskaper. VÃ¥r show gÃ¥r ut pÃ¥ att fÃ¥ publiken att jubla och skratta, den är sexig, excentrisk och full med energi.Ladys and gentlemen, let me present to you – The Dragonkings!