Jennifer profile picture


Blissfully broken

About Me

I am a history major at OSU. I know, not destined to make a lot of money lol but oh well. I will be done with my BS this year, somewhere between Winter and Spring term but plan on returning to get a BA in English (and YES I am a glutton for punishment :) I would like to go to UW for my Masters and then somewhere for my PhD, haven't thought that far yet. That is as long as there is education funding left after Bush's administration. I enjoy reading, right now I am trying to work my way through the classics: Dickens, Austen, Stowe but I will admit that I am also a huge fan of Harry Potter. I have two kitties that are my children, a girl that's almost 7 and a boy whose a year. I enjoy the outdoors and am currently trying to expand my outdoor horizons in the meantime. I am currently a "Coffee Expert" at a coffee shop in Corvallis, not a ton of money at the time but I get free coffee :)

My Interests

I enjoy reading especially when enjoying a good glass of wine with my "wineologist" roommate, playing out in the sun, drinking coffee and hanging out with friends. Planing on doing some traveling once I'm done with school. I'm going to start small, I think I'm the only person I know who still been to Las Vegas lol. I would also like to see New York but even more than that want to explore Italy. Fine wine, good food, tons of history and an amazing view, who could ask for more?

I'd like to meet:

People with similar interests, anyone who can teach me something new, make me smile or make me laugh.
Myspace Layouts


I listen to just about anything. I really enjoy the Beatles. Pink Floyd, The Doors, Panic at the Disco, Blue October, Timbaland, Eminem, Akon,


Don't get a whole lot of time to watch movies but when I do I enjoy old classics such as Gone With the Wind (a girl thing I suppose), the Godfather trilogy, although I must admit the first one is my favorite, I'm a HUGE Marlon Brando fan!


What's that??


List is too long!! Love J.K. Rowling, if I could sit down with anyone right now and have a conversation with them it would be her. I also really enjoy Jane Austen, have yet to find a Charles Dickens book I didn't enjoy. The Godfather by Mario Puzo was also a fantastic book! I also read a lot of non-fiction, I am really in to Tudor England, especially Anne Boleyn so I read as much as I can about her.


My grandmother, J.K. Rowling and anybody else who has been to hell and back and come out a better person.

My Blog

What kind of kisser are YOU?

***You're an Expert Kisser*** You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantityYou've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks offAnd you're adaptable, giving each...
Posted by Jennifer on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:57:00 PST