I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world. Her name's Jess. She means the world to me. 8-10-09!!!
" JEFF! wow, i dont even know where to begin :) okay i'll start with "he's amazingggg" He makes me smile all them time, :] I love his style, and sense of humor. Words can't even comprehend how truely awesome he makes me feel inside. and he'll never really know how much he means to me! He means so much, because, he always tells the truth to me, and really means it. I love when he shares his dreams with me, and asks me how im doin :] When i talk to him i feel like im talking to a even better, and not to mention cute'r version of myself :D I hope that our future will be even greater then now!! So this is for you jeff!!! :P -jesss:) <3 -written by the most amzing girl in the world
I'm Jeff. Obviously. I love meeting new people.I'm here to live my life and not to impress or judge anyone. Life is way to short to waste it on things like that. Music+My Girlfriend= My Life. I volunteer at Hundred Acres Manor in South Park.I love working there because it's so much fun to scare the crap out of people.I also like working there because not only am I having fun acting like a total idiot all nite, it goes to a good cause. The two charities all the profits go 2 are Animal Friends and The Homeless Childrens Education Fund.If you want to volunteer 2 visit www.hundredacresmanor.com or visit www.myspace.com/hundredacresmanor. It so much fun!!!!!!
Blink -182