I'm worth getting to know...haha...One Hundred Odd and Random Questions
Have you ever been to a football game?: yes
How old is the computer your on?: brand new
When you looked in the mirror today, what was your first thought?: oh lordy...i look like shit
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?: vanilla
Don't you just hate it when you burn you tongue/mouth with food?: ABSOFRIGGINLUTELY
What are your three main watched TV channels?: what's a tv?
Have you ever painted your face for a sports game?: yup
If you were a dog, what kind of dog would match you best?: Prolly an American cocker spaniel
Do you like the snow or rain better?: rain
Did you ever wet the bed when you were younger?: nope
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?: To Australia with Nicole
What color is your cell phone?: Red and chipping
Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?: idk, my phone just died. Prolly my mom or work
How much cash do you have on you?: 6.58
What did your last text message you received on your cell say?: phone's still dead
Last furry thing you touched?: accidently grazed a feather while I was having a smoke outside
Choose: A million bucks or to be able to fly?: A million bucks, flying would just get me in trouble some how
Have you ever faked sick?: who hasn't
What is your blood-type?: red and vicous
Have you ever had an online relationship?: lol...no comment
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? Why?: M'Love Nicole, must I say why?
Have you ever seen a dead body?: yup, I've worked with cadavours
Have you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?: prolly something about hair or clothes
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?: my mom
In your opinion, whats the best way for someone to die?: either peacefully in their sleep or doing the thing they love most in life
What type of day are you having?: It's halloween and I had a midterm this morning. I'm ready to be done with it
Have you ever eaten a bug?: Not on purpose
How many things are you really thinking about right now?: about 23,000
How many windows are open in your computer?: By everyone else's standards, I'm sure too many. Prolly 20 or so
The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for?: rootbeer
Do you like clowns?: not particularly
Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far?: I actually have
Have you ever spent the night in the hospital?: yup
Has anyone ever under-estimated your intelligence?: haha, most definately
What's the third text in your inbox?: phone hasn't been ressurrected yet
Are you listening to anything at the moment?: The sound of diligent students typing away...most likely chatting on facebook tho
Anything good happening tomorrow?: Gotta do the move thing, then a party tomorrow night. YAY for a day of no work or school tho!
In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?: hoodies, I feel more bundled
How do you handle stress?: carefully, same thing as everything else
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad?: My mom
If you could pack up and leave your life now to move away, would you?: Wouldn't dream of it
Can you take a bra off with one hand?: damn right I can
Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything?: I don't remember
Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it?: you mean borrowed things are meant to be returned? well hott damn!
If women ruled the world would there be more peace?: The world would be more nurtured
Do you twitch when your falling asleep?: So I've been told
Do you have big dreams for your life?: sure do...dream big or go home
Ever wished on a shooting star? Did it come true?: yes, and yes
Can you text with out looking at your phone?: for the most part
Do you eat junk food or chocolate when your sad or depressed?: from time to time
Do you have an innie or an outtie bellybutton?: innie
Which shoe do you put on first?: prolly the left one
Who is the last person you think about before you fall asleep?: my girl
Have you ever had a poem or a song written about you?: Don't think so
How often do you clean out your ears?: practically everyday
Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper?: fold
Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted?: ya, but that's why it's a dare
Have you ever had a splinter anywhere other than your hands?: yup
When was the last time you used a port-o-potty?: Folsom street fair, sept 08
Have you ever licked a DVD to clean it?: Can't say I've ever been so inclined
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?: clean, I gotta put 'em away when I get home
Can you crack your neck?: not on purpose
Have you ever met someone famous?: nope
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: not so long ago, but I wouldn't harm a fly
Have you ever blocked someone on MySpace before?: yup
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?: nope
What is something you need to go shopping for?: knickers
Have you been to the movies in the last 7 days?: nope
What is in your pocket right now?: smokes, lighter, change
What's your favorite soup?: Homemade chicken noodle
What was the last play you saw?: The Christmas revels
Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life?: We're all here for some reason or another
Do you have a good relationship with your family?: I really really do. I'm lucky
Have you ever found anything gross in one of your McDonald's meals?: Thankfully, no
Name someone from your past that you wish was still there?: Grandma Jan
What's your favorite zoo animal?: Lion
Did you have imaginary friend(s) as a child?: Nope, had the real things
Do you like Hot Pockets?: Prolly too much...oh the simple things in life
Do you like soda in a can, bottle, or as a fountain drink?: Bottle is awesome, next pref is fountain
Myspace or facebook?: Facebook, but I do both
Do you ever click on pop-up ads?: usually accidently
Are you at home or with friends more often?: with friends
Is your room painted or wallpapered?: painted
Do you have a significant other?: I most certainly do
Have you ever told a girl/boyfriend you loved them but didn't mean it?: no, I don't use those words lightly
Do you play with your gummi bears?: guilty
Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth?: once
Do you lick your lollipops or suck them?: that's prolly another phallic object that I wouldn't be able to eat in front of a certain someone.
Have you ever ran with scissors?: just to prove I could
Do you still watch cartoons?: not so much
Do you usually write in print or in cursive?: print, I forgot most my cursive years ago
When did you pray last?: I couldn't tell ya
What was the last button you pushed?: a
Do you prefer hot tea or iced tea?: iced tea
When is the last time you were on a bicycle?: last thursday
Have you ever donated to charity?: yes I have
Are you donating your organs?: yup
What is the last thing you ate?: m&m's
Would you date someone 15 years older than you?: yup
Do you own a credit card?: and all the debt that comes with it!
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