Towne Boyz is made up of Shaka, Ea$y Bukks and L.A.P.S. Each collaborator brings a different style. Which is why tha Towne Boyz have such an ultramodern style.Shaka: 1st generation American calling LA home. Shaka's invented a new Hip Hop sound with a Belizean flare. He blends Hip hop & Reggae to an unrivaled level of sophistication.Ea$y Bukks: Straight from tha streets of LA. Ea$y has tha West Coast sound as well as tha dirty third flavor. Bukks has resemblance to a combination of Tha Game & Lil Wayne.L.A.P.S.: From tha Original Towne Boyz born & raised on 84th & Towne, thus giving tha Band it's significant Towne Boyz name.Tha Towne Boyz (while not yet internationally know) have the style and determination to make sure every coast enjoys their unique and irreplaceable works of art.BREAKING NEWS: MIX TAPE $5.00* AUTOGRAPHED IF ORDERED(*plus shipping based on your zip code and insurance to make sure the usp gets you your mix).GET YOUR'S BEFORE WE HAVE TAKEN THA AIR WAVES OVER. DON'T BE ONE TO JUMP ON THA BAND WAGON (we wrote a song bout it want to hear it then order our mix tape :P )="MySpace Layouts
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