organismi viventi - living organisms
My videos:
Preludio in mi maggiore "Inverno" (Italy, 2008) 01'40"
Directed & animated by unaduna
Music: Luca Nanini
L'inverno dell'uomo... poi, finalmente, primavera.
The human's winter... then, finally, spring.
"A hope" (Italy, 2007) 1'19"
Directed & animated by unaduna
Music: carillon domtower, Utrecht 1664
Earth map:
Vincitore del Primo Premio al "Cristallino Videofestival" a pari merito con il video "Ombre" di Cristina Spizzamiglio e Elena Dalmasso.
Il concorso di video installazione prevedeva la realizzazione di contenuti audiovisivi per la proiezione sulla facciata settecentesca di "Villa Pisani" in provincia di Venezia.
Questo è il link al sito ufficiale del festival:
"CSS Alcohol" (Italy, 2007) 02'54"
Director: unaduna
Musician: Cansei de Ser Sexy
This is my submission for the CSS's contest on QOOB. They give us some footages with Css on green-screen and I realized this video. Also if it didn't win, some one appreciated my idea... :-)
"[...] Head to and search for "CSS" and "Alcohol" to see some of the enormously impressive entries: Nothing2SeeHere has CSS performing on the label of a bottle of spirits at a party and Unaduna's ingenious video sees the band getting cooked and eaten. With quality this high, expect more fan-made videos in the future." - Friday May 11, 2007 - The Guardian.
"236U" (Italy, 2007) 01'09"
Director: unaduna
Music: Luca Nanini
Actor: Luca Nanini
"The fission of human and reality remains suspended in a trice of hypercritical contraction. Radiation takes the sky. And we still dream of nightmares"In memory of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Earth.Every kind of war pollutes skies, lands and seas, but it also defile the human's heart... We get used to the injustice... we become insensitive to life and death... of our child, our friends, our selves.Luca Nanini
"La scissione tra uomo e verità rimase sospesa in un istante di contrazione ipercritica. Le radiazioni si presero il cielo e noi ancora oggi sogniamo incubi"
(Rielaborazione di immagini tratte dal video "3/4")
"Summer's Almost Gone" (Italy 2007) 01'25"
Director: unaduna
Actor: Luca Nanini