My Blog
Part of an Email I recieved from my Neurologist:
I reviewed the lab results from the cerebrospinal fluid. The pattern of protein abnormalities is typical of multiple sclerosis. . . Technically, ...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 15:23:00 GMT
I can honestly say that was something I never thought I’d feel.
That being, My Cerebrospinal Fluid dripping down my asscrack. Ya know, yesterday wasn't so bad. I took two Ativan about an hour before my appointment and don't remember too clearly after that.
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:43:00 GMT
I don't know why I've had such a difficult time getting pictures transfered. For some weird reason my work computer doesn't want to cooperate with things like transferring pictures that didn't c...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 15:41:00 GMT
Because someone told me it’s OK to admit that you miss being stared at for the right reasons.
So I have a goal. It is to get into a certian pair of pants by the time we leave for fringe. I'm really enjoying the feeling that I'm loosing a little bit of weight and getting into better...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:46:00 GMT
The internet, a mask of anonymity
Aren't masks nice? They give chicken-shit assholes the courage to show their true colors without the risk of being torn limb from limb by an outraged mob. Why do people seem to think that ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 00:28:00 GMT
Why coz is a moron.
My cousin has lived with my Grandmother for most of his life. My aunt S. lived there too until she had to be placed in a nursing home. So I guess it's to be expected that she would li...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 00:20:00 GMT
Sisters may be doin' it for themselves, but codependants have a hard time
So in all honesty the baby fat is gone. I'm back to where I was before I found out I was pregnant- which is wanting to loose 40- 50 lbs. Not just wanting needing. Seeing as when...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 00:06:00 GMT
$20 worth of fun
On what was it, Wednesday? I found out that Weird Al was coming to Stockton to play the county fair. I hate going to most concerts. I'm finding that the older I get, the less I want to sit...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 16:29:00 GMT
I gotta rep to protect
So. I have a question. Ok, not really a question, more of an observation. I've noticed that certian people come with a reputation. And often the individual feels that the title...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:08:00 GMT
Just a bit irksome
I've decided that I'm a much better picture taker than picture subject. Almost all of the pix taken in the last year are with me behind the camera. I was looking up people from my graduati...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 20:57:00 GMT