About Me
Hi, my name is Bec, and thank you for stopping by my page!
I've recently found myself starting life over at the young age of 46!
I am a caring, compassionate, loving person, who lets her heart get in the way every time.
I have a huge love of country life and horses. I had 3 beautiful horses that I had to leave, along with my dogs and cats. For those of you that know me, you already know how miserable that makes me. For those of you that don't know me yet, I truly hope you never have to endure that kind of pain.
I am an award winning author for my poetry and photography. I tend to pour myself into writing and taking pictures, to ease the stress of everyday life. I have met some fantastic people here on myspace and I'm so thankful for their support and love... of a person they've only met online.
I am behind any organization that saves and protects horses. I have been given a wonderful gift of being able to read them, and trust me, the pain that we feel is nothing compared to what some of these precious animals have gone through.
Well, enough about that! I could go on for hours on the subject of horses! I am currently taking one step at a time and hoping that I don't fall off of the cliff that I'm walking along right now. Life can and will change on a dime, so take it from one who knows...
Be prepared.
I hate people who are wolves in sheep's clothing, cheaters, and control freaks.
Enough about me, let me know what is going on with you!
...And I always lend an ear to anyone who needs me!