Ill destroy you in a game of paintball! guitar hero can go suck a chubby with all the people that play it. if you dont actually play a real guitar but say you can ill fucking kill you.
I Would like to meet YOU! I... Love you.I dont care im just doin this cuz everyone gives me crap for not havin a myspace - Rude, Hilarious and Funny T-shirts
fuck rap...
saving private ryan and 300 are my favorites, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, all comedy, war movies, action and scary movies. Napoleon Dynamite was not funny at all! it sucked!
dont watch tv anymore but id say UFC, really anything on comedy central
dont read, the only book i remember liking was Fallen Angels and it was about vietnam
my parents and my brother. if you think that makes me soft ill fuck you up(just cuz ur an arrogant piece of shit) you can think whatever you want i dont give a fuck