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David Yates, Joanna "K" Rowling, Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo Del Toro, Frank Darabont, Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, John Flansburg and John Linell, Yoko Kanno, Yukito Kishiro, Eddie Izzard, Steven Spielberg, Commander Luke Skywalker under the call sign Echo 5, patrolling the perimeter of the Rebel Base on the ice planet Hoth. Echo 7 ditches his ass. George didn't make you tape up your boobs like last time? That's sooo distracting. Captain Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa arguing in the corridors of Echo Base over his decision to leave. Han coming to the realization that something may have happened to Luke during his patrol. Luke has not returned and night is approaching. C-3PO looks on worriedly but his inquiries are ignored as Han storms off. Well what the fuck are you doin' going through my underwear drawer?! A deleted scene of 2-1B trying to fix Luke's face from the car crash- Er- I mean Wampa Attack. Yes, the previously COMPLETELY PLANNED IN ADVANCE Wampa Attack scene, which had nothing at all to do with Mark Hamill smashing his face up in a car accident. It's just a coincidence, but thank you for asking. General Rieeken, Han, Leia and Chewbacca listen in on an intercepted transmission from an Imperial Probe Droid. It's a good bet The Empire knows we're here. This was back in the day when Vader was cool. Would you have ever thought he was a whiny, emo, wifebeating quadruple amputee burn victim with separation issues? Exactly... Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith and commander of the fleet known as the Imperial Death Squadron, rests in his meditation chamber aboard the Super Star Destroyer, Executor. Commander Skywalker leads Rogue Squadron against the Imperial Walkers ( Or AT-AT's as their normally referred to which stands for All Terrain Amored Transport. ) This was a last ditch effort to protect the Echo Base Shield Generator buying more time for the evacuation of the base's personell. I found out the Wedge you hear in this movie and A New Hope is not the Wedge you hear in Return Of The Jedi. Confused? Me too. They decided to record two different voice actors for IV and V and then for some reason finally relented and let Denis Lawson keep his own voice in VI. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?! Han and Chewie hurriedly finish repairs to the Millenium Falcon as the Empire begins it's assault on Hoth. Lord Vader and the Imperial Snowtroopers of Blizzard Force enter the Rebel Base looking for Luke Skywalker and the other leaders of the Rebel Alliance. They reach the main hangar where Lord Vader catches a glimpse of a familiar ship. The same ship that carried infiltrators ( and a certain former Jedi Knight ) to the Death Star and aided in the escape of Princess Leia. This is of course another deleted scene. Yet another deleted scene. Han, Leia, Chewie and Threepio ( Not pictured, probably falling down in the main compartment during the hurried take off ) narrowly escape Vader and the Imperial troops. Luke, Wedge Antilles and some of the surviving pilots of Rogue Squadron make their way back to the staging area where their X-Wings, powered up and ready to go thanks to some impatient little Astromech Droids, wait to spirit them away from the now overrun ice planet Hoth. After crash landing on Dagobah, Luke surveys his surroundings. "Hey, uh George... We've come all this way to see a green midget guy with Frank Oz's hand up his ass?" "You're covered in dookie Artoo." "Taste like shit this does."Yoda instructs Luke to go into the Darkside Cave.Luke enters the caveLuke finds someone he... Did not expect. And it ain't Treebeard.Did you know that Los Angeles gangs like the Bloods and the Crips based their colors; Red and Blue, off of the lightsabers used by Sith and Jedi respectively? Then Lucasfilm sued them. This was a widely known fact in the early 80's. That's why I never joined a gang.For some reason when I first saw this in the theater I had no idea who's face this was. Of course I was horribly nearsighted and nobody knew so that may be why. I didn't get glasses until I was 12. You don't even really get to see this scene in the movie. Lucas will waste all kinds of time showing you every retarded looking creature mask in THE CANTINA, and he'll make damn sure you see every stupid puppet in JABBA'S PALACE, but apparently, he can't be bothered to waste more than 60 seconds of screen time on the 6 coolest potential villains ever made. "Yeah I suck toes, bitch!" Just like Vader, Fett was really awesome before we knew anything about him. Then I found out he was created as part of a payment for his "daddy" Jango who wanted a young boy version of himself... Lucas is really sick sometimes... Brother and Sister kissing.. People wanting to raise a clone of themselves and do God-knows-what with it.... I think he also must have gotten in trouble for masturbating a lot since someone is always getting their FUCKING ARM OR HAND CUT OFF IN EVERY MOVIE! "You ever get that 'not so fresh' feeling?" Love finding shots like this- Have to go through the movie frame by frame in slow motion sometimes, but it's really cool when I find a shot of one of the characters that I've never noticed before. Or that hasn't shown up adnauseum over the years as a promo pic. Another cool shot, I like how the set looks behind Vader and the placement of the other actors in the frame. That and 90% of the scenes with Vader kick ass anyway. Pardon me for asking, Captain Solo; But... Must we let Chewbacca listen to 'My Humps' yet again? Han... What did he mean by 'Pimp that ass out' ? Han: "Look, don't worry! You go in for a few hours, give the guy a lapdance or two and we have enough to get the ship fixed!" Leia: "I don't know... I have a bad feeling about this." Blast! Chewie! Lando showed you where the litter box was! "Have you tried new 'Bespin Smokes' with menthol? Smooth menthol flavor. The Tibanna Tobacco. Nien Nunb, Lobot and Admiral Ackbar are out picking up some Bitches, you should come over! We even gonna watch some Ugnaughts wrestle in my livin' room an shit!" "You will now explain to me why there is no more cornbread, Calrissian." *SPOILER ALERT* "You mean Verbal Kint was Keyser Soze all along!?!" *END SPOILER ALERT* Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett and Lord Vader look on as Captain Solo is encased in Carbonite. "Ya know you guys kicked ass in the clone wars, You massacred the Jedi... Now.. Now you get ambushed by Lando's crack head brother with a spray painted BB gun and you give up... What is that all about?" "Well that's what you get for trying to hump a power socket!" "The pimp is NOT getting on board!" The trap Vader set for Luke has been sprung. All of it was done for this one moment. So Vader could confront his son, test his strength in, and control over, the Force, and turn him to the Darkside in the hopes that together they could defeat Palpatine and rule the Empire as.. Father and Son. "I will NOT pole dance for you daddy!" "Will you sit down!? I told you you're not getting any." Luke makes his way up to the Millenium Falcon's cockpit, a portable Bacta unit clamped over his wrist where his right hand once was. The view outside is completly obscured by Vader's Star Destroyer; The Executor, as it tries to cut off their escape and bring a Tractor Beam to bear on them. All I did was get my ass kicked during this whole movie. "The cameras stopped rolling right? My crotch itches..." Luke, Leia and the Droids linger at the observation port aboard the Rebel Alliance's Medical Frigate; Redemption, a converted Nebulon-B Escort. Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca say their goodbyes and the Falcon departs. They will try and catch Boba Fett and his ship, Slave-1 before he can deliver Han Solo to Jabba The Hutt on Tatooine. Because EVERYTHING revolves around Tatooine. if there's a bright center to the universe you're on the planet it's farthest from. Except you're NOT! Because EVERYTHING HAPPENS HERE!!! This movie is the only one out of ALL SIX to not have Tatooine in it.

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Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Geneology software - Family search
Posted by on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 14:09:00 GMT

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Genealogy software - Descendents
Posted by on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 14:06:00 GMT

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph
Posted by on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 14:03:00 GMT

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Posted by on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 13:50:00 GMT

The Most Disturbing Things I Have Found On The Internet. Part 3

Ok, I really am trying to keep this light, and at the same time keep this away from sex or porn in general- It's just too easy to find, and it's kind of lowbrow, whatever.... I'm also trying to keep t...
Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 21:43:00 GMT

The Most Disturbing Things I Have Found On The Internet. Part 2

I just threw up in my mouth, a little :
Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 21:35:00 GMT

The Most Disturbing Things I Have Found On The Internet. Part 1

Was trying to see how just many times Bugs Bunny has been in drag (A LOT)- when I stumbled across this: Somebody actually sat down and drew this. And then probably masturbated to it. WTF?!?!?!EDIT: I ...
Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 21:10:00 GMT

My two favorite shows really pissed me off last week.

So on House, last Monday, OUT OF FREAKIN NOWHERE, Dr. Lawrence Kutner (played by Kal Penn from Harold & Kumar) is dead. He has apparently killed himself. After a week of checking Wikipedia I finally f...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 00:10:00 GMT

Want to know why I haven't been drawing for the last year? And why my office is a pigsty?

Go here to see what I do with myself: 5Click on the "57" next to Figures Submitted, then click on the link that says turn on thumbnail view to get a...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 03:18:00 GMT

aLittle sOmething iLeft fOr pEople wHo lEave wHiny cOmments oN tHe iTunes sTore

Do you even know for certain that it IS indeed iTunes "forcing" you to buy the entire album? Seems to me that the music industry and/or the record labels have more to gain from this than iTunes does. ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 21:40:00 GMT