Rih.Babyyy! profile picture


About Me

Whats happenin ppl thanks for checkin out my SPACE. =].
well im rihulaaaa sometimes known as Riiiii Ri RiRi Rheai Rheeeeeeeeeezy & whatever else ive told ppl my name is loooool.
Im a SensitiveSometimes too InsecureLovingKindUnique & Different kind of person.
I like people who are REAL & CRAZY like meeeee...
If Im in a HAPPY [:D] mood you wont be able to shut me up but if Im not feeling too happy I tend to get a bit too emotionalll. :|
I love my fammmmmily, my lil sister nihula is my besssttt friend [eva!] & i tell her all my ish i cant tell no1 else, my baby sista sama is gawwjuz love my brother adam & my parents have allllways been there 4 me mwah.
also love my friennnnnnndssss the few/SAD ino true 1ns I can count on 4 life :] who make me :D when I feel like :'(ying. xox to youuuuuuu.
I like writing, laughing, daydreaming [very JD of scrubs likeee :)] expressing & letting go.
im a MAHAAAAASIVE FAN of HipHop ..mwah I live breathe & eat & everythin it loool i got mad love for hipHop i couldnt live without it & i wouldnt like to... & for the record, HIP HOP AINT DEAD ITS ALIVE =].
oooh yeh me & shaunna are doin a blog its on FASH & HIP HOP its gna be BIG! YES! :).
wat else...i just finished my 1st year at LORETO COLLEGE <[u>pretty alryt].
im frm the MALDIVES (YES!) if u dont know then GET2KNOW lol jke.
i like ppl & things that are very out of the box & to the right left [lol].
i like skateboarding rappers, new hairstyles, trustworthy ppl, msn-ing, myspace-ing, reminscing, PLANNING, actually carrying out the plans [loool], black nail varnish, photos, msn-names, swings, bikes, swimming, bangles ive stolen frm ppl, shades, my phone, money, my wall, my bed, sleeping, funcollegetimes, giving my TWO-CENTS, advising my friend on 'common ludacris fiasco's', words of the week writing, reading, bananas, MOOOZIK, SWAG, SCARFSWAG bubble-forks, over-exaggerating, dramatising, BLOGS mwahaa, blogging, you-tubing, killa-season watching, otherthings watching, SCRUBS, dreaming, thinking, coke [as in the drink], people undermining me so i can prove them wrong, being right, arguing... & most of all...just doing ME! :) I get the best new MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.com !

My Blog

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