Me. And to see more about me, visit
Hi. If you're paying close attention, you'll notice that this sentence is new. I like the mood I'm in, and place I'm at mentally right now. It's 11:15pm on April 17th, 2008, and I feel pretty damn good right now. I'm usually way more creative at night, and especially when I'm tired at night. Go figure. I love being a father of two beautiful girls, I love my wife, I love God, and I like where I think my life is headed. And if you don't, you really should give trance music a chance. On nights like this, it's mind-altering.
This is how I want my autopsy report to read:
SUBJECT: Ricky Borba
DATE OF DEATH: November 24, 2058
LOCATION: Marriott Hotel, Room 333, Sacramento, CA
CAUSE OF DEATH: m & m's and whopper jr.-induced heart attack, possible ranch dressing asphyxiation
NOTABLES: Subject had left hand on XBOX 720 controller and right hand on "mace windu" lightsaber . Subject's buttocks was in a chicken carbonara sandwich from "Quiznos". Written on walls of hotel room in ketchup or other tomato-based condiment was "DAWN KEEBALS" sixteen times. Thirty-three pounds of food (mostly meat and dairy, though also a picture frame, a bicycle tire, a showerhead and $68,000) found in subject's impacted bowels. Shaved into subject's chest hair were words "I'm awesome".
it occured to me that i hadn't updated my "about me" section since i started my account. so here's an all NEW list of things i like, don't like, and totally awesome stuff like ninjas.first of all, things i like (some of these may be repeats from the last time): peanut m and m's, lemon-lime/ strawberry X-Factor gatorade, kaspers hot dogs, certain people (you know who you are, and tommy ascencio, you are not one of them), watching movies. this one deserves a couple more sentences. i want to be an actor/producer/writer. i do it already, i just don't get paid that much for it. so when i say i want to "do" that, i mean i want to make a living from it. i'll pretty much watch any movie that my wife would NOT watch. she has horrible taste in film, but we can't all be perfect. movies are awesome, and i pretend im in one every day. thats why i have no conscious when i do bad things like kill people. okay. im done with the movie speech. NEXT. i think being a hitman would be awesome. i'm still considering it. okay, now back to what i like. star wars a lot, 80% of my job, people who have the ability to remain the same to EVERYONE, my parents for different reasons, boba fett, playing flag football, doing one armed push ups with a rice sack on my back, making peoples day brighter, being the center of attention, laughing, making other people laugh, video games (please see my video reviews at
those are the things i like. these are now the things i love in no order whatsoever so don't write me an email saying my priorities are all out of line. here goes: jesus, my wife, my beautiful precious adorable smart happy healthy baby girls kayla and brielle, that i myself am all of the before mentioned things (except the baby girl part), certain people (you know who you are, and no TJ, i do not love you. not like you want me to), my pastor, my church, my wit, my charm, my charm bracelet (just kidding), music, movies (yeah i know it's in my "likes", but they belong in my "loves"), rain, overcast days, and last but not least, my entire huge ass mother effin family.
now on to what i don't like. i hope you're comfortable, this could take a while: (and im not really concerned about being politically correct here.)fremont, gas prices, people who complain, calories, slow drivers (you know exactly who i'm talking about here), people so set in their ways that they're incapable of even discussing important issues, most shows on televison, toling in my labor, 20% of my job, people who are too cool for school, the oakland raiders, the san francisco giants, golf, basketball, insurance, student loan payments, the cost of ANYTHING in the bay area, sushi, when girls use the word "fart", parking meters, running, hot days, reading, yardwork, changing poopy diapers, living check to check, beer, wine, snow skiing or boarding, traveling, getting up early, and ungrateful people. that's it for now.
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Ricky Borba
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