Outdoors, sports & and Music of course! BF2/BF2SF's,2142, computers.
My great grandfather on my moms side of the family. He passed away right before I was born. I've heard many wonderful stories about him...
If its hard rock or melodic rock it has to be MSG. Michael Schenker is da Man. I also like a lot of new rock and punk. I can pretty much get down to playing anything if it's with the right musicians. Hey in the San Antonio Austin area!!! I'm looking for a band! "rock, pop, punk" Send me a tell if ya know of anyone! I also like Westworld, Starbreaker, UFO, Scorpions, TNT, House of Lords, Blue Murder, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, AngelWitch, Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, K D Lang, Fallz.
A league of their own, a bridge to far, and anything in between. I like good sci fi as well.
no reality tv please!.......but I do like- John from Cincinnati, The 4400, Stargate & Stargate Atlantis, The Dead Zone, Vegas, Battlestar Galactica, House, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, The Closer, PBS/Frontline, The History Channel, The Military Channel ......
WOW! I read way 2 many to list!
My parents! My Brother & Sister.