Brandon profile picture


We've Got Bombs, Happy Meals and Grenades

About Me

I don't really know where to begin...If I'm not working or at school I'm at home playing video games, working on some computer graphics or doin some photography and I'm always with Lia (love ya honey!). My two biggest hobby passions are photography and computer graphics...the video games come second along with Magic. I pretend to be a magician (never said I was good!)...

My Interests

My main interest is my girlfriend Lia, if you think that sounds tacky then you don't know what love is. I do a lot of computer graphics and photography, I rollerblade, try to skateboard, I listen to music every chance I get, I watch a lot of movies (including all four Harry Potters), I like to do magic tricks and play video games (DS and PS@).

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!


I'll listen to pretty much anything but I always prefer rock...specifically 90s rock. My favorite bands are Sublime and Incubus, but there is so much more out there that I'd listen to everyday.


Underworld, Resident Evil, Eurotrip, Lord of War...

Myspace hacks


The only shows I really watch are Myth Busters, Family Guy, That 70's Show, King of Queens, and M*A*S*H.