Im a tYpiCal kNd Of guY nd a litTle cOnsrvaTive. I riLly lUv hanGinG Out nd hvinG sUm fuN u knW drNk,chAt tiL the sUn riSe up in thE eaSt. i Can be ur veRy goOd fRiend bt dNt daRe 2 mesS w/ mE CauSe i cAn alsO be uR wrSt niGhtmaRe.i wNt tO hanG Out w/ coOl gal haVe a Gud senSe Of humOr nd cAn be eaSily mOtivatEd.!!!!!! I cn be uR evRythinG fOR thE sakE Of evRythinG! theRez nO haRm in tRyinG sO dNt heSitatE tO mAde mE One Of uR frEndzzzz. YEah dAtz wAt iM tAlkinG abOut gAl C hiLl Out!!!.......................................