mu-sick, guitars, graphic design, 20th century's history, traditional/primordial cultures and related spiritual side, live events, criminology, every kind of literature.
"KASINO FRA" (cit.): death metal, brutal death metal, grind crust post fast hard hate core, raw old & good black metal, funeral doom, power electronics, neo-folk, ambient, classic, thrash metal, 70's progressive rock, psychedelic rock, traditional and popular music, stuff in other fields I consider innovative and interesting.
Hellraiser, Full Metal Jacket, Alien, Session 9, Mullholland Drive, The 25th Hour, Clockwork Orange, Apocalypse Now, Milano Odia: la polizia non può sparare, Indagine su un Cittadino al di sopra di ogni Sospetto, Taxi Driver, Milano Rovente, Sette Scialli di Seta Gialla, Re-Animator, Big Fish and much more.
Blu Notte, history documentaries (NO Cecchi Paone), some series about homicides, police, serial killers ect, but I usually don't watch TV.
Emilio Praga, Carlo Lucarelli, Julius Evola, Charles Bukowski, Jose Saramago, René Guénon, Paul Auster, J.G. Ballard, Gianni Rodari...
Work in progress: "Introduzione alla Magia" a cura del gruppo di Ur; R. Guénon, "Considerazioni sull'Iniziazione"; J. Evola, "Rivolta contro il mondo moderno"; J.G. Ballard, "Fine millennio: istruzioni per l'uso".
Carol, Chopin, Heidi, my partners in crime, my sister and who gave life to the desaster you can see here.