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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 100% puRe ChiNesE, bOrn aNd brEd iN MaLAysIa aNd CurrEntlY stUdyinG in TayLor's UniVerSiTy CoLlEge, ScHooL oF ArchIteCtuRe. BuiLdiNg. DesIgn aS An aRchiTectUre stUdeNt.PleAsE doN't bE mIslEd iF i loOk raTheR arRogaNt. I'm aCtuAlLy qUieT and sHy whEn MeeTiNg NeW pEopLe. I diSLikEs nOnsEnSicaL aNd uNneCesSaRy tHinGsSs.BUT, giVe me SomE tiMes tO wArm uP aNd bEfoRe yOu ReaLizE iT yOu MigHt acTuaLly hAve a haRd TimE tO haNdlE mY acTivE-neSs.My MotTo iS NotHinG iS imPosSibLe. I daRe tO taKe RisK; aS in rElaTioNshiP, sTuDieS aNd eXpeRieNceS. SomE pEopLe MigHt fiNd hArd tO UndeRstAnd mE caUsE i dOn't sHow MyseLf uNleSs I'm cOmFy wIth tHe PerSon.viVaciOuS, SensItvE aNd aCtiVe aRe tHe thReE wOrdS pEopLe uSuaLly uSed tO deScrIbe Me. My hEarT iS fRagiLe, BreaKaBle, sHatTeRed.DoN't tOucH iF yOu dOn't CarE !I'm EnjOyiNg MakIng FriEndS aNd gEttiNg tO iNteRacT wiTh tHem. I TrY tO be As aCcomModAtiNg aS I caN, so FeeL fRee tO GivE mE a SHOUT!!!

My Interests

SleePinG, DaY dReaMinG, NeTs SuRfinG, reAdiNg, cHaTtiNg, hAnGinG oUt wiiTh mY fRieNdSss, eXtrEme GaMeSss, tRaVeLiNg, PlAyiNg WitH mY piGgieS, mOdeL mAkiNg..

I'd like to meet:

you! n You! n YOU!!!!! gEt iT? wIthOutT You thEre woUldN't bE Me!! HehEhe...I WouLd liKe tO mEet mY oLd SchoOl frIenDs, cOllEge FriEndS aNd ArcHiTeCtuRe LoVerSss.. v^_-vAlrIte, I wAnT tO MeEt pEOplE Who aRe niCe AnD frIenDly anD nO biTchY peEpS plEAsE? HehEhe..As lOnG aS yOu aRe kiNd, cAriNg, fRieNdLy And CouRteOusSSS!MSN - eieidabest@yahoo.com.sg Yahoo Messenger - eiei_spe@yahoo.com.au ICQ - 230090911 Skype - EieiDaBest My Space - sinpeiei_88@hotmail.com Friendster - eiei_spe@yahoo.com.au Bloggie - http://the-pinky-life-of-eiei.blogspot.com/


aNy sOnGs fRoM Pop, ClaSsiCaL, DanCehaLl, RocK, PuNk, R&B, HiP-Hop.. aS loNg As Its SoUnDs NicE..


ErMmm.. dOn't hAve aNy pArtiCulAr moVies i LikE, mOsTly WeStErN mOviEs.. i Just DisliKe thoSe moVies wHich aRe crAppInG aLot.. doeSn't MakE seNse n Etc..


AmeRicAn nExT tOp mOdeL, ThE AmaZinG rAcE aSiA, mTv, [V] ChaNnEl, HbO, NaTioNaL gEoGraPhIc, DiScOvErY ChAnNeL, AniMAx, AxN and eTc...


HmmMm.. BasiCalLy I Do nOt liKe tO reAd BooKs.. eHehEhe.. I wouLd liKe tO rEad Any BooKs dO WitH arChiteCturE... BuiLdinGs.. SkyScraPpers.. HouSes.. iNteRioR anD exTeriOr DesIgN.. n sO on..