..Life is a gift. It is to be cherished and protected. The one thing that nurishes life is the heart. Out of it will flow the issues of your life. So now knowing that we have life given from God as a gift, and that your heart is the key to the issues of life, this is my plea to everyone that reads this blog, Guard your heart! Keep it covered in love and honor. A sound heart will give life to the body. So when I look at the state of my body, or "the body", and there is something wrong, Then I know it is because of the condition of the heart. I've let people use me and take from me emotionally. As a result I could feel my heart start to slowly get bitter and angry. All of my confidence was almost gone. I questioned my self worth, my purpose, and my reasons for living. All because I gave my heart to people who could care less about me. But God loves us so much that he always finds a way to rescue us. Hear me my friends. Your heart is the most valuble thing you own. Take care of it. Don't be affraid to give it. But, guard it with all diligence. Love is all we have. If we loose it, we are powerless. Faith dosen't work without it. So it doesn't matter how many prophesies are told, or how many sermons are preached. If we as a united body can't love each other for real. Not a hug or a kiss or a friendly gester. Or simply calling someone your brother or sister. But loving someone enough to help when there is need. To give without wanting in return. And most of all, loving enough to know when you have hurt someone, and caring enough to make it right. Its all the matter of the heart. So, what condition is yours in?I Love you all. I pray that God shower you with happiness and peace.Pierre..