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Under Construction! Hello,
Welcome to MCRmy Netherlands, the Dutch part of the MCRmy! First of all; this is, ofcourse
a site for people who like/love and, most important, respect My Chemical Romance. If you don't like it, leave it, please.
We don't care if you've been a fan for 5 days of 5 years, everybody is welcome here.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, questions or if you just want to talk, please message us or send us a comment. We are kind of busy but we are really trying to update as much as possible.


My Blog

International MCR Day

As some of you might know, July 23th is considered to be IMCRD; International My Chemical Romance Day. This day is made to show your love for MCR, by wearing your merch, showing others how great MCR...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 14:30:00 GMT


MCRmy.There is something really special. I dont care what you think about My Chemical Romance- love 'em or hate 'em. Your choice. But you can't deny the severity of our love. This isn't just a fanclu...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 14:30:00 GMT

101 Ways to know you are an MCR fan.

You MIGHT be SLIGHTLY obsessed with My Chemical Romance if... 1. hearing any of the following noises immediately perks your interest: static, a heart monitor, or faint explosions. 2. someone says, "No...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 14:12:00 GMT


Best day everrrr. Since Kirsten already wrote a journal about this, I'll try to keep things short. I just need to write down how I feel about the concert. So.. It was awesome! To start at the beginni...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 14:19:00 GMT


Woaaah,only less than a week online, and we already have two owners. ^^ Britt, who started this site,Kirsten, who became co-owner today. Because she's awesome and she made us an awesome banner! Becaus...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 13:08:00 GMT


Jaaaa, 5 Juni is er, zoals jullie natuurlijk aaaaallemaal weten (hoop ik) hét concert in de Heineken Music Hall. Billy Talent en Paramore in het voorprogramma. Het zou ook kunnen dat het 1 van de 2 ba...
Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 13:17:00 GMT